
Letters To Editor

Readers Speak

Scary lessons Dear Editor, Many thanks to Josh Cotton for his timely article on the 77th anniversary of the atomic booming of Hiroshima. It was chilling to read that some considered the bomb to be one of the greatest scientific advances in history. Seventy-seven years later we live under ...

Troubling trip

Dear Editor, What’s the reason for Nancy Pelosi going to Taiwan? To aggravate China even ...

Vote for values

Dear Editor, Everyone who has thoughts about the government and what we see taking place has the same conclusion: vote in the coming election. The solution to the chaos we see is that each voter take the time to know the issues and how to determine what is seen as the desired outcome. ...

Choices with life

Dear Editor, In the July 29 issue of the Times Observer, columnist Star Parker incitingly discusses the comparison of the Lincoln-Douglas debate of 1854 to the present discussion of abortion rights. She writes “Is our ultimate value that a woman have the option to destroy her unborn child, ...

Political fallout

Dear Editor, A couple of weeks after Roe was overturned, the Pennsylvania legislature recessed for the summer — and typical for the ending of a legislative session here was the hurried passage of a partisan piece of legislation. It’s the old story: amendments or bills from the party in ...

Keeping it local

Dear Editor, Our city manager, Nancy Freenock, will be leaving Warren in August. She has served the city of Warren for 10 years. Thank you for your service and all the best in your future endeavors. I believe Warren was lucky to have a city manager for 10 years, but I am not confident such a ...