
Readers Speak

Dressing it up

Dear Editor,

Improprieties seem to be the accepted norm now.

How sad that, due to one man’s attire, the dress code for the entire U.S. Senate is now in danger of sinking to such lowly depths.

It is not a personal bias, as I voted for Fetterman. However, even though I was somewhat offended by his “play clothes,” I let it slide during his campaigning.

Little did I know that, once elected to the Senate, he would have so little respect for the office that he would continue his slovenly appearance. Now, to learn that the U.S. Senate is seriously considering eliminating the decade’s long appropriate dress code as the norm us appalling. Shame on you, Chuck Schumer, for validating such degrading behavior in the U.S. Senate.

Kathleen Parker said it all in her column on Sept. 27 in the Times Observer.

Her final paragraph states: “Call me old fashioned, but please join me in urging our Senators to wear clothes appropriate for work. This tiny concession to decorum would demonstrate respect for the offices they hold and the nation they represent and their consideration of others — especially us.”

Barbara L. Boger,


Coming clean

Dear Editor,

On Saturday morning, Oct. 14 — a blustry and rainy day — several groups of volunteers were collecting trash along Route 6 from Warren to Sheffield. They need to be commended while the slobs who discard the trash need to be ostracized. What a shameful disregard for common decency.

M.J. Shanshala,


Dreaming big

Dear Editor,

Now that the Warren roundabout is mostly complete, I am wondering what might be the next project for the Warren Dreamers. Could it be a draw bridge at Hickory Street to allow the cruise ships to reach the downtown waterfront?

It is enough to amuse this area resident.

Don Shinn,


Ugly truths in war

Dear Editor,

Here is something to think about. Ukrainian soldiers are killing Russian soldiers, while Russian soldiers are killing Ukrainian old men, old women and children by the thousands.

Secondly, while we were trying to save democracy, Russia was supporting North Vietnam with weapons and cash for well over 10 years to defeat us in Vietnam, yet we can’t even support Ukraine for two years?

Do you truly believe that makes America look great.

Allan L. Gustafson,


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