
Letters To Editor

Readers Speak

Signs of poor taste Dear Editor, Madison Avenue’s two political protest signs – wanting the president and all who voted for him to be fornicated — reflect terribly on the people in those two houses. It demonstrates the sign owners’ lack of common decency, their major disregard of ...

Readers Speak

Winning spirit Dear Editor, As one who ministers in both the Youngsville and Warren communities, I found it especially encouraging to see in the news that the Youngsville Eagles banner charged onto Mike Shine Field on a recent Friday night. I had hoped that such an event would become a part ...

On right track

Dear Editor, Listening to Donald Trump at a recent rally for gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano, I was reminded of Trump’s strengths as our president. He cares about this country, he cares about the average American, he cares about unborn babies. And his policies showed that his actions ...

A mixed message

Dear Editor, The Small Business Administration provides data on lender-approved loans under the Paycheck Protection Program. The data includes names of the individuals and business’s who have received loans, the amount of the loan, and the date forgiven, if applicable. A review of the ...

God’s Word matters most

Dear Editor, As I was reading the story in the Sept. 3 edition, I became curious about a couple of things. Have differences in the church now become front-page news in the local newspaper? But more importantly, ...

Beating ourselves

Dear Editor, In the 1960s, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev said he would destroy America without an invasion. Today, however, we are being destroyed financially with all the foreign products being sold in the USA. Eight out of ten vehicles are foreign. That is a sad statistic for America. ...