
Letters To Editor

To the Editor:

I had to chuckle when I read Stranger’s recent column on canoeing the Allegheny River. I loved it. That’s because it brought back cherished memories of the exact same spot he describes. It’s where we used to play on inner tubes as kids. And many thanks for publicizing the new location ...

Humanitarian emergency?

The emergency is fostered by the liberals. Violence, poverty, drug cartels, lack of jobs are not listed reasons to seek asylum. 90% of asylum seekers do not show up for their hearings. There are 733k pending cases backlogged 2 years. Of 73k cases heard in 2016, only 20k were granted asylum. The ...

A welcoming community?

The term “welcoming community” has appeared on local TV news reports out of Erie, PA recently. It became a popular term which appealed to, and has often been used by, governments, consultants, and many other parties with an interest in immigration. The term and its usage remains vague and ...

Readers Speak

Humanitarian emergency Celebrating freedom on Independence Day seems like an affront to the deplorable detention happening on our southern U.S. border! If it were a natural disaster like a forest fire or hurricane approaching we would establish safe and secure locations for ...

Readers Speak

Dear Editor, I am writing to provide clarification for your July 6th front page article titled “Gold Rush”. The gold colored polyurethane track pads pictured on the excavator were indeed produced locally. They were designed and manufactured by many of our 280 expert teammates at Superior ...

Readers Speak

Fake news and now stupid news President Trump has stated, actually read, or if you accept his account misread, that the Continental Army ‘took over the airports’ from the British Army during the American Revolutionary War. This statement should keep cartoonists, comedians and letter ...