
Readers Speak


Election Day

Dear Editor,

In February, we remember Abraham Lincoln and George Washington for excellent service to the U.S. as Presidents. They were known for their honesty and good leadership ability. It is unlikely the current or previous president will be remembered as Honest Joe or Honest Don — or cause kids to miss a day of school for a national Holiday.

Phil, the groundhog, somehow inspired a movie about repeating a bad dream. It seems there is a good chance we will see a repeat of the same two unsuitable candidates in the upcoming Presidential election. A really bad dream. Most folks do not want to see that choice again. George Washington thought political parties to be a bad idea. He definitely got that correct.

The story about George cutting down a cherry tree is a possible myth. But it is unlikely that he would whine about a hoax or fake news!

Gary Finger,


Moment of care

Dear Editor,

A huge thank you to the kind lady who took the time to scrape me off the pavement in a parking lot Friday as I took a header in a bad fall. I’m so grateful for her kindness and concern.

Tamara Graham,


Do we remember?

Dear Editor,

A recent Fulton County, Ga., hearing on TV regarding District Attorney Fani Willis was extraordinary in that several witnesses with professional degrees and experience in the law could not remember specific events, dates, geographic locations. Wow! Most of them are middle aged.

Should President Joe Biden be subjected to similar recall events without hogwash? I hate to say this, and as much as I dislike lying Trump and love Biden, all of us have trouble with recall from time to time.

May I ask, both young and old, who does not forget?

M.J. Shanshala,


Nature always wins

Dear Editor,

In the face of terror born of ignorance and superstition, ancient man created deities in various non-human forms in order to influence forces of nature that were beyond his capacity to understand. In this world of imagination not checked by reason and no clear distinction between real and unreal, Shamans and high priests used ritual human sacrifice of slaves, captured enemies, the innocent, and the young as an offering to bring good fortune, victory in war, a plentiful harvest, and to placate the angry spirit that lived in volcanos.

Ritual sacrifice was widely practiced as early as 3500 BC in Sudan and has continued uninterrupted until 2022 in India. At the reconsecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan in 1487, over a four-day period, some 80,400 men, women, and children were sacrificed to the Aztec god of War and Sun.

Common to all of these cultures is a struggle between superstition and ignorance, power, and reason with power being the dominant force. The cult that supports the green movement, which preaches a pseudo-science based on possibilities, proffered as certainties of scientific method and ignores relevant data supportive of an opposing conclusion serves only to disrupt the geo-political balance of power that has kept the world out of a global conflict more harmful to world climate than all of the SUVs and kitchen stoves we can build.

Some forces that affect global climate are beyond the control of hubristic man. In 1883 the volcano Krakatoa erupted with a force of 200 tons of TNT and the ash caused the strange lights of “The Scream” by Edvard Munch in 1893. The eruption of Mount Tambora in April, 1815 produced 31 cubic miles of ash and resulted in the year with no summer. There was snowfall and rivers froze in July 1816 in New England.

On Jan. 13, 2022, a volcano erupted underwater in the Pacific Ocean and sent 150 million metric tons of water (40 trillion gallons) into the stratosphere.

Dozens of scientists predicted that global temperature would increase more than 1.5 degrees Celsius. Instead of the volcano and Canadian forest fires, the dutiful left blamed this past summer’s heat on fossil fuels.

The climate change movement is greatly responsible for the geo-political imbalance in the world today since it weakens the democracies of Europe and the English-speaking world. China, Russia, India, Brazil, and the Pacific Rim countries will continue to increase their use of fossil fuels while we grow economically weaker by the day. We are still living “under the volcano” and the sacrifice offered to placate the angry spirit is Western Civilization.

Dean Berry,



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