

Public comment window open

The Forest Service is accepting comments on a project in Elk County. The proposal is to remove an an old bridge on an unnamed tributary to Bear Creek associated with an abandoned section of State Highway 948 and restore the site to a more natural condition. Removal of the collapsing bridge and restoration of the site would restore aquatic organism passage and stream channel and floodplain functions. The culvert is downstream from the current Highway 948 crossing of an unnamed tributary to Bear Creek in Warrant 3776, Highland Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania. The comment window is open through the end of August.

Blood drive

Community Blood Bank is holding a blood draw on Thursday, Aug. 30 from noon to 5 p.m. at Warren General Hospital. Appointments are encouraged but are not required. Walk-ins are welcome.

Enrollment open

Warren County Christian School is now accepting enrollment applications for the 2024-2025 school year for students K-12. The school offers phonics-based reading, math, science, art, music, PE, Bible, computer, STEM,

languages, social studies and various high school electives based on student interest. Call (815) 563-4457 or email office@warrenchristiank12.org for more information.

Open house

Drayer Physical Therapy is holding an open house on July 31 from 10 a.m to 5 p.m to celebrate its one year anniversary. Those attending will be able to meet the staff and enjoy free cookies and refreshments. Dad’s Food Truck will also be there. There will be two door prize winners announced at 5pm. You do not have to be present to win.

PennDOT road maintenance

The following work is scheduled in Warren County on roads maintained by PennDOT: Crack sealing on Rt. 958 in Freehold Twp.; Ditch cleaning on Follett Run Rd. in Conewango Twp. and Miller Hill Rd. in Farmington Twp.; Edge paving on Lee Johnson Rd. and Catlin Hill Rd. in Sugar Grove Twp. as well as spray patching on Catlin Hill Rd. and Brown Hill Rd. in Sugar Grove Twp., Valentine Run Rd. in Pine Grove Twp., Blue Eye Road in Spring Creek Twp. and Buells Corners Rd. in Eldred Twp.


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