
Readers Speak

No learning curve

Dear Editor,

Due to some selfish people on our school board, our taxes will be increased again. This means we will go from eight tax increases in 15 years to nine in 16 years. These people do not care what is best for all: only what is best for them.

Student enrollment dropped almost every year in the past 15 years. I am guessing student enrollment dropped by 800 students in those 15 years. Yet taxes continue to increase?

Consolidation would save money. More courses could be offered leading to a better education for all students

Look around our county. Notice all the unoccupied houses and those in disrepair.

Elderly people on fixed incomes have a difficult time maintaining and keeping up with increased taxes. Some have to move to apartments and some leave the county.

How many more tax increases will we have before this insanity stops?

Bob Shodi,


New heights

Dear Editor,

I greatly enjoyed Jon Sitler’s Times Observer articles about WAHS champion pole vaulter Laney Gratto and her superb Coach Joe Sanford. I really was blessed that Joe prayed with Laney before each meet. I was living in Corry back in the ’80s, and went to the same church Joe and his sweet family attended.

I remember how sad we all felt when Joe moved his family to Erie. We were really going to miss them. But God had a beautiful plan for Joe at McDowell and beyond, and it was so refreshing to read about it in today’s sports section. I want to thank Jon again for his excellent articles.

Tom Clark,


Two sides on signs

Dear Editor,

In response to the July 6 letter “Let’s respect all choices in the coming election.” This is obviously becoming an annual issue with the left-goers, as for at least the last six years someone from the left has cried, boohooed, whimpered, moaned, groaned and complained to the public through the newspaper about this very issue thinking that you are the only one’s being targeted.

Please stop believing that you are the only ones that are missing political yard signs, or having your yard signs vandalized because it is just not a fact! I know that it will be hard for a Democrat to use only the facts but, for once, just give it a try! Please?

Did you report it to the police? Did you install a camera to gain your proof? Well I did all this and yet my “right” leaning signs kept and keep coming up missing! I am very sure that if you are able to show your proof that your “left” leaning signs are being stolen or vandalized as you say they are there will be a full blown investigation into the matter for the simple fact our “injustice” system has more than proven it is one sided!

Brian R. Fajbik,


Business, not housing

Dear Editor,

I recently have read the other letters to the editor about the downtown construction. I agree the downtown does not need anymore senior housing.

I would prefer renovation of the pre-existing structure. However, if it must come down then its replacement should be something that can allow for businesses to be housed there.

I think the city should look at the Liberty Street Marketplace. Something like that would provide spaces for upcoming small businesses. If we wanted to really take it the next step further, the building could be used to take inspiration from Erie, Pa. They have a Flagship City Food Hall which has several kitchens for various restaurants in one building.

I know too many people who wanted to start their own small businesses in Warren but the lack of locations stifled their dreams.

If as a city, we are so worried about affordable senior housing why can’t the old Cambridge nursing home be looked at as an option.

If there aren’t enough businesses why would anyone want to live here?

James Hettenbaugh,


A sad note

Dear Editor,

It is very sad to see the passing of the Warren Concert Association. A standing ovation to all the folks who, over the many years, made it possible, and most enjoyable.

The WCA was inventive, and bold, to not rely on “popular” types of entertainment to fill their season’s events calendar. This allowed a very affordable ticket to an event that otherwise would not be seen anywhere near Warren.

We oldsters find it hard to imagine anything new taking the place of in-person live performance, be it music, magic, prose or play.

Thanks to the many sponsors of WCA events, and to the also gone Jamestown Concert Association, who partnered with WCA for an even more enjoyable season each year.

Pam and Don Hanna,


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