
Readers Speak

A helpless cat

Dear Editor,

Sometime between Tuesday evening, March 5, and Wednesday morning, March 6, a crime was committed in the Warren City Parking Garage.

Oh, it wasn’t the kind of crime that gets splashed all over the evening news or makes nationwide headlines. Not the kind of crime that calls for high security, a constant police presence, or anything quite so exciting. But it was a crime all the same.

A low profile, no police required, crime against a little young cat that was no doubt dumped in the hopes that some kind soul would give him a fur-ever home and a family that loved him enough.

I didn’t know this young cat, but my heart grieved for him anyway. Unloved, unwanted, alone and afraid. Perhaps he had never been “out” before and was merely seeking shelter from the heavy rain and the chill of the dark.

Where were his humans? What had he done to cause him to be outdoors and alone? If I had seen him, he would have been warm that night and loved, even at high risk to me. So, I ask again.

Where were his humans? Why were they not searching for him? What had he done, this little furry creature, to warrant such treatment? Did he damage the furniture? There’s a way to correct that. Did he bite or scratch? He was a young cat and there are ways to stop that behavior. Was it the cost? The food? Vet bills? There are places and people who will help with that.

Cats are not wild animals. They have been domestic for thousands of years. Yet, people expect them to automatically know what to do when left outdoors away from the humans the cat considers his ‘family group’.

Does Warren City and/or County have a “cat problem?” Indeed, we do. When help is offered, it’s refused, because that’s not the answer they expected. This little cat didn’t have to die. The person who hit him probably didn’t even realize what had happened. His little body was left for someone else to pick up.

Lynda McKenna,


Debate over life

Dear Editor,

Medical professionals understand that a frozen embryo is a fertilized human egg. Agriculturists know that a kernel of corn is a fertilized plant seed.

Unless the embryo is implanted in a woman it’s just a fertilized egg. Once implanted it is nourished, develops and becomes a person. Plant a kernel of corn into soil and Mother Earth nurtures it into a stalk of corn. The human embryo and plant seed are just that until nourished.

Likewise, “the Lord God formed man out of the clay of the ground”. (Gensis 2:7). The man form was not a person until God “blew into his nostrils the breath of life.” That’s when the clay form of man became human. Finally, God took one of mans’ ribs and formed a woman. Woman was not human until God willed it.

The Alabama judge whose proposition claims that a frozen human embryo is a human person should have a debate with God. Was Gods’ clay figure of a man a living person or the rib of man a living woman? The debate outcome would be interesting. My logic and faith tells me the winner.

M.J. Shanshala,


Illegal questions

Dear Editor,

I would like someone to explain to me why Catholic Charities and multiple other Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) have helped more than 10 million people enter our country illegally so far since the Biden administration took power?

Could one reason be that they could receive funding for each illegal they bring into the U.S.?

Why are 95% of the illegals young men? Why are they of military age? Who gets the money? Why are taxpayers footing the bill?

Just asking.

Josephine Stover,


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