
Noteworthy honor: Wismar attains musical recognition

Times Observer photo provided Alyssa Wismar, a junior at Eisenhower Middle High School, attained the highest level a high school musician can achieve by earning her place in the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association All-State Festival Chorus.

Alyssa Wismar, a junior at Eisenhower Middle High School in Russell, recently attained the highest level a high school musician can achieve by earning her place in the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) All-State Festival Chorus.

Each year, thousands of high school musicians from across Pennsylvania audition in their geographic area. Individually, students perform for a panel of judges. Student musicians who rank the highest advance to compete against student musicians from other parts of PMEA regions.

The highest-ranking student musicians at the PMEA region level qualify to perform in one of six Pennsylvania All-State music ensembles.

The student musicians, such as Wismar, who qualify will perform at the annual PMEA All-State Festival in Erie, from April 18 through 20. Nationally recognized conductors at the convention direct the groups who rehearse for two days and conclude with a performance. Learn more about the event and the guest conductors at https://www.pmea.net/allstate.

“Our congratulations go out to the student musicians that have been selected to be part of the 2024 PMEA All-State Festival,” commented PMEA President and music educator in the Octorara Area School District, Scott Cullen. “There is nothing quite like coming together for a unique performance experience that only the PMEA All-State Festival can provide.

“The students selected to participate in these ensembles represent all the amazing music programs from across the commonwealth and remind us of how strong music education is in Pennsylvania,” concluded Cullen.

PMEA is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the musical development of all Pennsylvanians. The present membership evolved from a small group of band directors dating from 1933. Today, the organization includes those engaged in music instruction at all levels, from preschool through college and university, as well as those in the music industry, merchandising and publishing. The organization promotes and supports quality music education, learning and performance as well as promoting and supporting music education in schools and communities.

PMEA is affiliated with The National Association for Music Education, NAfME. For more information about PMEA visit www.pmea.net, call (610) 562-9757 or follow the organization on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube.

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