
Sentences handed down in county court

Judge Gregory Hammond handed down the following sentences on Friday during sentence court proceedings held at the Warren County Courthouse.

David M. Boehm, 68, Pleasantville, Pa., to two years probation with six months on an alcohol monitor, $1,938.77 in restitution, $500 in fees, to undergo a mental health drug and alcohol evaluation and comply with recommendations, a no contact/no trespass order, submission of a DNA sample and anger management classes on a count of simple assault as well as a $300 fine on a count of criminal trespass.

Cody A. Boutelle, 33, Clarendon, to six months probation including 10 days incarceration and 20 days house arrest, $1,250 in fines and fees, participation in the alcohol highway safety school and victim impact panel programs, a 12 month license suspension and 15 hours of community service on a count of DUI as well as $245 and a 12 month license suspended for driving on a suspended license and 70 for careless driving.

James L. Connolly, 48, Clarendon, to five years probation including 30 days incarceration and 60 days house arrest, $2,250 in fines and fees, participation in the alcohol highway safety school and victim impact panel programs, an 18 month license suspension, 50 hours of community service, submission of a DNA sample and compliance with treatment recommendations on a count of DUI as well as $345 on a count of owners responsibility and $70 on charges of operation on streets and highways, operate in safe manner, operate snow/ATV on state property.

Shondell M. Hernandez, 31, Jamestown, N.Y., to 79 to two years less one day incarceration with credit for 79 days time served, $375 in fees, 30 hours of community service, compliance with mental health treatment recommendations and parenting classes on a count of endangering the welfare of children.

George L. Moyer, 49, Columbus, Pa., to one years minus two days to two years less one day incarceration with credit for 399 days time served, , $250 in fees, 40 hours of community service and to undergo a mental health evaluation and comply with recommendations on a count of resisting arrest as well as a $300 fine on a count of harassment.

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