

The clean up crew

There is a general agreement in my house. I cook dinner and my husband cleans up. Recently, I felt like I was doing most of the work, while he had the easy job. A switch in roles one night gave me the opportunity to reflect on the value of clean-up work. It is not always the most glamorous job, ...

Painting the night with light

Do you ever have one of those moments when you notice something out of the corner of your eye that doesn’t look quite right, so you glance over to see what is going on? That happened to me last weekend as I set up for Audubon Lights at Audubon. There was a log floating in the pond where there ...

What we can learn from death

When I go into classrooms as an Audubon Nature Educator, I get all sorts of questions from the students. They want to know what my favorite animals are, or stories from nature, and sometimes the questions are even relevant to the lesson I’m teaching (sometimes). But, the most common question ...

Bumblebee bath allows for a natural buzz

In our Northwestern Pennsylvania summers many gardeners provide bird baths in their gardens. The bath needs to be cleaned regularly and filled with fresh shallow water. Likewise butterflies need a butterfly bath. These also need to be kept clean and filled with an appropriate amount of ...

A Common Starling

You can find birds living just about anywhere if you stop to look around for a bit, but in most cases the actual breakdown of species is going to look different in an urban area than it is in a nature preserve, rural area, or even a park and green space with forest or field habitats. There are ...

Hunters up, harvest down for black bears

The black bear harvest declined to a 10-year low, according to state data, despite a dramatic spike in interest among hunters during that same time. The Pennsylvania Game Commission announced that 2,920 bears were killed in the 2023 seasons, an 8% drop from the 3,171 bears taken in 2022. The ...