

How does a moth view time?

Time flies when you are having fun, but how does a moth feel about time? These are the thoughts that wake me up in the middle of the night and make me think (and have bizarre dreams). What does a moth notice about time? They don’t have watches, clocks or phones to tell time, or lose an hour ...

The importance of friendships

As I write this, it’s Valentine’s Day; a day to celebrate relationships. While traditionally, romantic relationships are celebrated on this day, recent trends, like Galentine’s Day, have encouraged the celebration of friendships. There are many types of relationships in the natural world ...

In defense of nature’s rodents

The mammalian group gives us some of the most well-known, large, charismatic animals out there. They are fuzzy and cute, and on average have a larger body size than many other animals. If I asked you, without any context, to make a list of animals that live in the habitats closest to you, what ...

Do the great backyard bird count

Let’s be honest, mid-February is an absolutely lousy time to ask people to count birds, but that is exactly what the National Audubon Society and Cornell Lab of Ornithology ask people to do. The weather is often intolerably cold, for people and for birds. The winter snow in some years is as ...

Intricacies in the natural world

By JEFF TOME One of the things that I find fascinating is how little we know about how nature works. To be sure, there is a lot of information out there that we do know, but so much more is unknown. Some things are pretty basic. Many people know that a food chain consists of a plant that ...

Nature’s elusive surprises

Nature is elusive. It holds back its secrets or special moments until you least expect them. It’s common knowledge among nature lovers that if you go out with the intent to see or experience one specific thing, whether that’s seeing a certain animal or looking for a specific phenomenon, it ...