

Teen nabs bear

Photo provided to the Times Observer Thirteen year old, Collin Havers, bagged his first black bear while hunting in Blackville, New Brunswick, Canada. Havers bagged the 250 pound bear with a crossbow on his grandfather, Mark Havers land while spending the week up there.

Ticks are a risk when in the outdoors

I often write or talk about the wonder and beauty of nature. But nature can also be uncomfortable and risky. Dangers that first come to mind may be large predators such as bears and mountain lions. But it’s the little things that we are more likely to encounter, specifically ticks. These ...

How to help wildlife

Baby birds on the ground, turtles in the road, and fawns seemingly abandoned by their mothers. It is that time of year when all sorts of wildlife seem in desperate need of our help. But do they really need us? Most of the time, the answer is easy: no. Seeing a helpless animal, especially a ...

Over 300 tree seedlings planted by Forest Service

Photo provided to the Times Observer The Forest Service has planted over 300 tree seedlings along Irwin Run. The trees were planted on May 21 as part of the agency’s Plant-A-Tree Program. In September 2023, the Forest Service partnered with Trout Unlimited to remove a large culvert from ...

Doing good work

Recently, I led a group of first grade students through the woods behind Warren Area Elementary school. The students were bent down on the forest floor, magnifying glasses in hand, shouting out discoveries. Amid this enthusiastic flurry, one student stood up, looked around and said “I forgot ...

Otherworldly experience: Aurora night creates a natural light show in area

In hindsight, I don’t actually remember the last time that jaw literally hung open in awe. I forgot what it feels like to be so incredulous that you start to almost hum with excitement. The eclipse recently came close to producing that feeling, but not quite. Standing under a dark sky in my ...