

Our opinion: A nice addition to three downtowns

Our Opinion

City and county officials are making a nice addition to three county downtowns that capitalizes on one of the county’s biggest tourism assets. A state Department Conservation and Natural Resources grant through the Route 6 Alliance is covering the cost for bike racks and repair stations in ...

Rounding Third: Stacking up the many birthdays

Local Commentaries

Recently a friend told me that she always enjoyed columns about my mother. I laughed with her saying, “I’ve told her stories so many times, it feels like everyone would have heard or read them all.” But the calendar reminded me of a relevant one. Friends have heard the story, but it has ...

Our opinion: Be wary of growing government

Our Opinion

What happens with a state park near the border of Pennsylvania and Maryland created in 2022 doesn’t much concern us here in Warren County. Most of us, after all, will never set foot in the Big Elk Creek State Park. But the controversy over improvements to the park does have an impact ...

Readers Speak

Letters To Editor

No learning curve Dear Editor, Due to some selfish people on our school board, our taxes will be increased again. This means we will go from eight tax increases in 15 years to nine in 16 years. These people do not care what is best for all: only what is best for them. Student enrollment ...

In two choices, one is honest

Local Commentaries

It was not a debate. One prepared to debate policies. The other did not. The other shamelessly attacked with lies and misinformation, as much as 50 lies according to some accounts. There was no fact checking. The moderators only asked questions. There was no accountability. The debater ...