
Local Commentaries

View from Hickory Heights: Girls’ night

My granddaughter was home for a visit a couple weeks ago. When I went over to visit with her, she dropped a bombshell. She is planning to marry next summer. That part I knew. I also knew that she was planning a wedding out of town. What I did not know is that she wants to wear my wedding dress! ...

What did you say your name was?

Last week’s chat about forgetting the keys and the glasses? Fuggedaboudit. This week’s unforgettable subject is even more serious. It’s about names. I used to be good at remembering names — until about the last 40 years or so. A few weeks ago, I was having a lunch meeting with two ...

View from Hickory Heights: Picnic season begins

Picnics took on various purposes through the years. Sometimes we had picnics when the men were working. That meant that either my sister-in-law and her family traveled or we did. In those days we ran two farms together. When the men worked at the lower farm, the picnic was there. When they ...

Rounding Third: Forget-Me-Not is more than a flower

Of all the things I’ve lost I miss my mind the most. I wish that old cliche were not so appropriate. I don’t know who said that first, but he or she was a perceptive genius, and definitely over sixty – the age when chronic forgetfulness moves in permanently. What are you saying to ...

Warren Worx can be a game plan for future

It is time we all rally around “Warren Worx.” I have read numerous opinions in the local newspaper and conversations on the street that “it won’t work” and “we don’t need branding” and “we better get the branding right” and “there are better things to spend our money on” ...

Differing views, but one county reality

By JAMES SPANGER, O.D. I am responding to a letter about a letter about the sign. I know all three men involved. They are all gentlemen and determined in their views, I am opposed to the gentleman on the right’s depiction of the spin of the sign. I agree that the agencies on development ...