
Local Commentaries

In two choices, one is honest

It was not a debate. One prepared to debate policies. The other did not. The other shamelessly attacked with lies and misinformation, as much as 50 lies according to some accounts. There was no fact checking. The moderators only asked questions. There was no accountability. The debater ...

Rapp’s inconsistency comes through in I.D. bill

Hopefully others read the July 5 editorial regarding the voter I.D. bill that Kathy Rapp was quoted complaining about not being brought to the House floor for a vote so we can decide about the issue at hand in the November elections. Unfortunately she fails to see the irony in her complaint ...

Berry fond memories

Yesterday I spent part of the morning picking red raspberries. My son had told me they were ready so I went down for some. They were not as nice as I hoped but I got about a quart of them. They reminded me of Don. He had a patch of red raspberries at his house before we got married. He would ...

Lifelong infatuation with those wing things

This story came across my email and it tickled my funny bone. It related back to my old airline days, still an ongoing source of fun and curiosity for me. Enjoy the quick read — my comments follow. “An Airbus 380 is on its way across the Atlantic. It flies consistently at 800km/hour at ...

Let’s respect all choices in coming election

Democratic yard signs are already disappearing from lawns around Warren County. Previously there was a bullet hole in one of the billboard signs. While canvassing as a Democratic volunteer, I’ve heard Warren Democrats say they are uncomfortable displaying a sign because they are a teacher ...

View from Hickory Heights: The little hot dog stand from past

I remember this little hot dog stand that sat at the corner of either Swan or Dove Street and Lake Shore Drive in Dunkirk, N.Y. The streets in that part of town all had the names of birds. Probably the reason I remember it so well is that my girlfriend’s brother owned it. It was nothing ...