
Local Commentaries

Rounding Third: Gratitude arrives in a huge tow truck

“New York Thruway Authority. What is your emergency?” When I left for Massachusetts two weeks ago, those words weren’t on my radar. I definitely didn’t plan on calling 911 from the highway. A few years back, Dear Richard and I decided to split up the 525-mile trek to Boston. We had ...

View from Hickory Heights: Legend of Dogwood

This year my two dogwood trees have been particularly beautiful with white blossoms lasting more than two weeks. Last year the flowers were spotty so I thought maybe my tree was dying, but this proved that wrong. Years ago, my husband and I went up on the back forty and found these two ...

Humor, human interest from Erma — an iconic sister

Erma Bombeck was the funniest Ohio housewife – ever. Erma grew up in a modest suburb of Dayton, wrote for her school newspaper, and worked at the Dayton Herald as a copygirl. Before she received her English degree from the University of Dayton, one of the Marianist Brothers at the ...

New gardeners can think big, but start small

With the beginning of May and with temperatures in the 60s it is time to think about the garden. If you are new to gardening, there are some important things to keep in mind. The first thing to consider is how much time you will be able to give the garden. What summer activities do you enjoy? ...

View from Hickory Heights: A rite of passage

Sitting in a gymnasium with a lot of other proud parents, spouses, and friends, I had time to think about what graduation means. It was plain to see how invested these people were as soon as the graduates made their entrance. I was impressed with the ceremony. Faculty, staff, and others were ...

Rounding Third: Ready, set, smile … say che-e-e-ese

In 1930, Kodak gave away its Brownie box cameras to 500,000 12-year-olds across the country. My mother was one of those lucky recipients, and it began one of her life’s important journeys. She fell in love with photography. I was about 12 when my mother told me this barely believable story. ...