
High finishes at Pittsburgh Karate Championships

These members of Kebort’s Karate Tigers & Johnson’s Blackbelt Academy recently placed at the Pittsburgh Karate Championships in New Kensington. From the left, David Gray took second in Men’s Advanced 18-34 year old Kata & Sparring; Craig Myers placed third in Adult Senior Men Advanced Sparring; Devion Mosher placed second in 11-12 year old Novice Coed Kata & first place in 11-12 year old Novice Boys Sparring; Kyoshi-dai Christina Kebort placed first in Women’s Masters Blackbelt Weapons, Kata & Sparring; and Sensei-dai Malahki Schroder placed second in 18-34 year old Men’s Blackbelt Sparring, third in Weapons & fourth in Kata. They are seen with Hanshi Rick Johnson.

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