Sports Briefs
First day of practices for Beaty
First day of practice for Warren-Beaty Middle School winter athletics is Friday, Nov. 17. First time 2017 athletes must have a completed physical packet and those who participated already in the fall must have a PIAA Section 7 parent recertification form.
Seventh and eighth grade boys basketball will have open gyms after school until 5 p.m. on Nov. 13 and 15, with tryouts on the 17th also after school until 5:00.
Registration payments which are due by the first contest remain at $25 payable to WCSD and $35 payable to BWMS.
Please contact Joe Errett with any questions at 723 5200 or
5th-grade basketball
A tryout for a Beaty Warren Middle School fifth-grade boys travel basketball team will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 6, at the Beaty gym. Boys are asked to come ready to practice.
For more information on the Beaty Dragons fifth-grade boys team, contact Jon Sitler at, or call (814) 730-6304.
Friends of Warren Basketball
The Friends of Warren Basketball is asking all board members, as well as a coach or representative of all 2017-18 Warren travel basketball teams, to attend a meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 2, at the Warren County Career Center, room A-143. This season’s goals as well as budget will be discussed.
Swim team meeting
The Warren Area Swim Team will hold a parent meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 7, at the YMCA. This informational meeting is for current and prospective swimmers from all high schools throughout WCSD. Discussion will include season schedule, practice information, fundraising and more. Contact coach Russ Beyer at 814-688-4574 for more information or questions.