
Our opinion: EMS deals better than threats

The issue of EMS billing between the city of Warren and its surrounding boroughs and townships has been a contentious one for the past couple of years.

We can’t say either side is necessarily wrong. Warren taxpayers pay to provide EMS services and fire protection for the city of Warren, not Warren County. But the very purpose of mutual aid agreements is that fire departments help each other regardless of cost or inconvenience in recognition of the fact that when alarms go off, someone will be there to help regardless of the name on the fire truck or ambulance.

That’s why it’s interesting to see Youngsville officials say they’re not paying a bill sent by the city of Warren for EMS response in Youngsville. Several townships and boroughs have agreed to an EMS billing arrangement with Warren, which results in a lower fee from the city for EMS response. Youngsvillle officials have decided not to enter into an agreement – which triggers a higher fee.

Concern was expressed that the city might be double-dipping – charging both the municipality and submitting insurance claims. Youngsville’s solicitor also said there is no legal reason for Youngsville to pay the bill, much like receiving a bill for cable television that a customer never signs up for in the first place.

It’s been clear all along that a negotiated settlement is best for both the city and its neighbors. But in a negotiation it is necessary for there to be a give and take – not meek acceptance of a first offer. Both Warren and its smaller neighbors have to remember that the other side has taxpayers to represent too and financial constraints that have to be met. If the first deal from Warren doesn’t work for Youngsville, let’s see a counteroffer. Perhaps it makes sense for a lesser fee for neighbors who don’t make regular use of Warren firefighters for EMS services. Perhaps the fee charged for services should be adjusted to include what insurance doesn’t pay for, as happens when you see the doctor.

Rather than firing off letters and bills that are likely to only deepen the impasse, it’s time for cooler heads to prevail. Let’s find solutions, not make threats.


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