
Local Commentaries

A realistic climate agenda for our environment

There are many things Pennsylvania state government should do this year to address climate change — but won’t — given the political composition of the state legislature. But a few significant things are possible. Pennsylvania emitted about two hundred and fifteen million metric tons of ...

Love is in the air

During your lifetime you meet many people who profoundly affect your life. Some are casual relationships while others are lasting ones. Years ago, I read a book about the people you will meet in heaven. Some of them you have met before while others are new relationships. I read with ...

A need for speed no matter the age

There’s a quirkiness about being older that reaches out and grabs me occasionally. It’s the disconnect between being old and feeling old. Many of my friends agree. “I was 39 the other day, I blinked, and I got THIS?!” No fair. Advanced years take your speed. I want my body to do what ...

Familiar name keeps link to NFL

I’d like to introduce former NFL offensive lineman Lilja and former NFL offensive lineman Lilja -- no relation. While watching a recent football game, a reporter saw a name that caught his eye. It must have been an ad for ESPN’s Peyton’s Places. Peyton Manning was talking about why ...

Cooking up new ideas

​During this pandemic I have done a lot of cooking and baking. Friday night date night has ended up to be Friday night date night at home. That is really all right with me since I like to cook. Coming up with the menus is the issue. I try to have different things for us to eat. ​I have ...

High costs of COVID, but some savings

Almost every calamity that happens in our lives cost money, sometimes big bucks. But when it’s a fire, a flood, a hurricane or a mudslide, the human cost is exponentially more expensive than the act of nature. I don’t think anyone ever gets over the anguish of losing loved ones, their home, ...