
Local Commentaries

Anyone mend any more?

On my Facebook feed a picture of some mended pants and socks appeared this past week. It asked who had worn clothes that were mended. I quickly pressed like to indicate that I had worn clothes that were mended. That got me to thinking. I do not think people mend clothes any more. If ...

Be ‘grateful’ for our caregivers

Too many friends have lost their lives, too many friends have lost their businesses, and too many children have lost the innocence of their youth during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. It has been a year we would all like to shed from our memories. A once in a generation global pandemic coupled ...

State House needs reform

Who decides what bills become laws in Pennsylvania? Is the voice of the people heard? Does every Representative have a fair say? On the first day of every Legislative Session, legislators vote to set the rules that answer these and other key questions. Those who write the rules might consider ...

Trail system ‘great choice’ for park

I am responding to the commentary “Preserving Washington Park must be a priority moving forward” (Dec. 5). As a lifelong resident of the Warren area and a person who enjoys the outdoors, I agree that Washington Park is a cherished resource. The view from the park is a grand reminder of the ...

State reps did little to ‘defend’ Constitution

I’m proud to be a U.S. citizen. I was sworn in as a naturalized U.S. citizen in front of family and friends on Feb. 28, 2003, in the federal courthouse in Erie. One of the privileges I gained that day was the right to vote. I was already paying U.S. taxes and had followed the law by signing ...

Be proud of park’s timber, oil history

Warren Boro and Warren County prospered and grew from the timber and oil businesses. And those industries still play a big part in our current economy. When you stand in Washington Park and overlook the city you can see all that timber and oil brought us. Most of the buildings in downtown ...