
Prescribed fire planned for spring on ANF

Federal officials say a prescribed fire window will open later this month.

And five project areas, or burn units, are planned in Warren County totaling 500 acres.

“The exact dates are yet to be determined,” Chris Leeser, the ANF’s public affairs officer, said. “Operations are weather dependent and prescribed fires will be implemented at the optimal times to achieve the best results.”

The burn window is early April until mid-May.

Maps show the three fire locations in Warren County including burn units at Buckaloons, in Pleasant Township adjacent to Pleasant Drive up by Rocky Gap and southeast of the upper reservoir between there and Jakes Rocks.

“Communities near the burn sites will be notified 24 to 48 hours before ignitions,” Leeser explained. “Fire management staff, in collaboration with forest resource specialists, identified several ecological objectives for the planned burn activities. Objectives include hazardous wildfire fuels reduction, improving forest health with vegetation diversity and enhancing important wildlife habitat.”

That will include signage, road guards (if necessary) and posts on the ANF’s social media channels.

“Prescribed fires are conducted with the safety of the public and firefighters as the highest priority,” Leeser stressed. “Fire is used as a tool only when the parameters of approved burn plans are met, including acceptable wind speed and direction, relative humidities, temperatures, fire danger, seasonal restrictions, and mitigation of potential smoke impacts.”

According to the ANF, fire is a “historic and natural process” for the ANF, highlighting the benefits to oak-hickory forests and wildlife.


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