Warren Art League celebrates 70 with reception, show at WCHS
- Photos provided to the Times Observer “Fog on the Brokenstraw” by Joanne Oviatt and “Angel’s Voice” by Peter Garami will be part of the Warren Art League’s 70th anniversary show that opens with a reception on Thursday at the Warren County Historical Society.
- Photos provided to the Times Observer “Fog on the Brokenstraw” by Joanne Oviatt and “Angel’s Voice” by Peter Garami will be part of the Warren Art League’s 70th anniversary show that opens with a reception on Thursday at the Warren County Historical Society.

Photos provided to the Times Observer “Fog on the Brokenstraw” by Joanne Oviatt and “Angel’s Voice” by Peter Garami will be part of the Warren Art League’s 70th anniversary show that opens with a reception on Thursday at the Warren County Historical Society.
The Warren Art League is celebrating its 70th anniversary with a show that kicks off this week at the Warren County Historical Society.
An opening reception is set for Feb. 22 at 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Historical Society’s Fourth Avenue location.
The Warren Art League was founded in 1953 with the mission to support local artists.
Exhibits over the last 70 years have been held at the Warren Mall, Warren Public Library, Crary Art Gallery, the Riverfront, downtown sidewalk days, and along the Courthouse fence.
CJ Chase, Warren County Historical Society program manager, said that the 70th anniversary show will run through March 28.

Photos provided to the Times Observer “Fog on the Brokenstraw” by Joanne Oviatt and “Angel’s Voice” by Peter Garami will be part of the Warren Art League’s 70th anniversary show that opens with a reception on Thursday at the Warren County Historical Society.
“Featured artist Nancy Petruney was a four-year Best of Show recipient at the Henry Rouse Art Show and has art in its permanent collection,” Chase said. “Works of over 20 other artists–some still producing and some now deceased–will be displayed, representing a wide variety of styles and media, such as oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, pencil, copper sculpture, photography, and ceramics.”
Works will be included by members Marian Aranyos, Martha Blair, Jesse Boice, Jacque Carignola, Dan Clement, Diane DeLarme, Kristina Faulkner, Wilma Fleming, Monika Garami, Peter Garami, Karen Heltzel, Pam Khare, Michelle Munkgard, Jason Oliphant, Pat Orbanic, Joann Oviatt, John Pearson, Judy Schrader, Kimberly Slocum, as well as deceased League members John Andrea, Robin Grant, Delores Mansfield, Paula and Bill Shannon, Shirley Irish Smith and Russell Welch.
“Much of the artwork is available for purchase, and 25 percent of all proceeds will benefit the Historical Society,” Chase said. “Bring a friend, browse the art, and explore the Warren County Historical Society.”
The society’s regular hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.