

Library events

The Warren Public Library has a series of events coming up to highlight the 150th. Ellen Paquette will present tonight a program entitled “Old Warren & The Allegheny in Pictures.” The Wetmore Gallery also has a show on display highlighting the 150 years of history.

Turkey Trot

The 12th Annual Warren Downtown Turkey Trot 5k Run/Fun Walk will be held Thanksgiving morning, Nov. 23. Registration begins at 7 a.m. and the race starts at 8:30 a.m. from the Jefferson DeFrees Family Center. Registration forms are available at the YMCA, ICYY Ink, City of Warren police or by email request at jesarnold1967@gmail.com. Early packet pickup will be available the night before. The race is hosted by the Warren Police Explorers Post 312 and Northern Allegheny Outdoor Women’s Association. Anyone with questions is asked to contact Jess Arnold at (814) 688-0393.

Musical program

Bob Holt will be providing a musical program this Friday, October 20, at the Adult Activity Center in Youngsville. He will be singing and playing his guitar at the First United Methodist Church at the corner of East Main Street and Church Street. The program starts at 11 a.m.

Turkey Party

The Scandia Volunteer Fire Department will be holding a Turkey Party on Nov. 25. Cost is a donation at the door. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the party starts at 7 p.m. Prizes include guns, cash and meats.

Hospice Memorial Service

The annual Hospice Memorial Service will be held on Sunday, Nov. 5 at 3 p.m. at Faith Fellowship Church of God, 208 Market St. The non-denominational service is open to all community members and will celebrate the lives of loved ones who have passed. Those who would like to have the name of their loved one read during the service are asked to call Hospice at (814) 723-2455.

Grief support


The Schorman Center, Hospice of Warren County, has planned a series of free grief support workshops each Tuesday in November at 4 p.m. The workshops focus on everyday living for newly single people who have lost a loved one. All workshops will be held at First Lutheran Church , 109 W. Third Ave., Warren. Registration is required by calling (814) 723-8060.

Class meeting

The Warren High School Class of 1957 will meet at 12:30 p.m. Saturday at the Eagles Club in Warren.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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