

Halloween in the Park

North Warren Presbyterian Church will hold a Halloween in the Park on Tuesday, October 31 from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. The public is also invited to bring their car and have a safe Halloween by Trunk or Treating in the parking lot. You can pass out candy and enjoy fellowship and food provided by the church.

Outdoor club to ride

The Allegheny Outdoor Club will ride bikes or hike from Leeper towards Marienville on Sunday, Oct. 15. The group will meet at 1:30 p.m. at Musante St. or at 2:30 p.m. at the Farmington Township Community Park.



A free community breakfast will be at Russell United Methodist Church, 17 N. Main St. Russell from 8 to 10 a.m. Saturday. It will include pancakes, eggs, sausages, coffee and juice. All are welcome.


Support Group meeting

The Caregivers Support Group will meet at noon Monday at Grace United Methodist Church, 501 PA. Ave. E., Warren. Enter the building via the elevator entrance and proceed to the Wesley Parlor. All caregivers and anyone interested in Alzheimer’s Disease or other dementia-related diseases are welcome to attend.

A time of sharing concerns and questions is always part of the meeting. Handouts are provided by the Alzheimer’s Assn. and are available for those attending and their families.

Plans will be discussed for the group to participate in the Senior Expo on Friday, Oct. 27.

Results to date of the 2023 Warren Walk to End Alzheimer’s Disease, which was held at Betts Park on Sept. 16, will be shared. Donations continue to be received for the walk through the end of the year by mailing them to Warren Walk to End Alzheimer’s Disease and send to 2835 E. Carson St., Ste. 200, Pittsburgh, PA 15203.

For more information, contact Karen at 814-723-9592, Linda at 814-726-1199 or Laura at 814-723-5008.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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