

Military Share event

A Second Harvest Food Bank Military Share distribution event will be held at 3:30 p.m. this Friday at Penelec building, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave. W., Warren.

My Pal and Me adventures

My Pal and Me adventures are returning. The Warren County Conservation District will hold three My Pal and Me event this year — one in May and two in June.

“Where does your food come from?” will be part of the Remake Learning Days throughout the northwestern Pennsylvania region, and will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday, May 20, at Hatch Run Pavilion.

“Kids of all ages, accompanied by their pal – parent, grandparent, adult sibling or guardian – can participate,” Conservation Program Assistant Sherry Moore said. “Participants will learn there is more to putting food on the table than going to the store.”

Penn State Master Gardeners will help participants plant vegetable seeds to take home and observe.

Space at the event is limited. Those interested may register by calling (814) 726-1441 or sending email to smoore@wcconservation.net.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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