
Johnny and the Bird

Sorren Check

Johnny was a normal boy. He did normal boy stuff. He had three friends, Bob, David, and Billy. Bob could run fast, he was amazing at Tetris, and he had two dogs. David was a football player in eighth grade, he played a lot of Minecraft, and had three cats. Billy played soccer, did not play any video games, and had a chinchilla.

It was a normal day in a normal town, Johnny was getting ready to go to school, when in his mirror he saw a bird fly into the window. Johnny sprinted towards the window, opened the window, and stared down at the ground scanning for the bird. Johnny saw the bird and bolted down the stairs to go outside. When he was outside, he spotted the bird, and quickly hollered for his mother. “MOM!” Johnny screamed.

Johnny’s mother stepped outside and gasped, “Aw poor thing. Quick! Go fetch a box and a towel.”

Johnny ran inside and grabbed a box and a towel like his mother told him to do. Johnny went back outside and handed his mother the box and towel. “Great, now head to the bus stop and I’ll take care of the rest,” Johnny’s mother stated.

After school, Johnny brought his friends (Bob, David, and Billy) over to see the bird. It was a blue jay, and it was sleeping. “Is it alive?” David asked.

“Yes, it’s just sleeping,” Johnny’s mother answered. “I called the vet and she said to take the bird to her tomorrow at noon.”

Johnny and his friends went inside and played Minecraft. The next day, the bird was gone! Johnny asked his mother, “Where is the bird?”

Johnny’s mother looked at Johnny with a frown and said, “It’s gone.”

“IT DIED?!” Johnny yelled.

“NO!” Johnny’s mother yelled back, “it flew away. It wasn’t hurt it just got knocked out, now I must cancel the vet appointment. Pack your lunch and head to school.”


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