

Class lunch

The Warren High School Class of 1955 will meet at River’s Edge on Wednesday, Aug. 14 at 12:30 p.m.

PennDOT maintenance

PennDOT announced the following maintenance work for the week of August 12 in Warren County: Spray patching on Buells Corners Rd. in Eldred Twp., Pine Valley Rd. and Clymer Rd. in Columbus Twp., Bimber Run Rd. in Limestone Twp., Cobham Hill Rd. in Watson Twp. and Cable Hollow Rd. in Pine Grove Twp.; Ditch cleaning on Miller Hill Rd. in Farmington Twp.; Crack sealing on Rt. 957 in Columbus, Freehold and Sugar Grove townships; Shoulder back-up on Austin Hill Rd. in Cherry Grove Twp.; Base repair on Scranton Hollow Rd. in Farmington Twp. and edge paving on Priest Hollow Rd. and Cable Hollow Rd. in Pine Grove Township.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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