
Senior Center schedule


MACA Building


(Note change of days open – now Tuesday (except for the 2nd Tuesday of the month) through Thursday:

Tuesday (7-23): game day; cards; lunch at 11:45; bingo after lunch

Wednesday (7-24): cards; exercise; lunch at 11:45 am; bingo after lunch

Thursday (7-25): crafts at 9:30 am; lunch at 11:45 a; bonus bingo after lunch


Township Building


Tuesday (7-23): cards; Left Right Center game; lunch at 11:45 am

Wednesday (7-24): crafts; cards; games; lunch at 11:45 am

Friday (7-26): games; bingo at 10:30 am; lunch at 11:45 am


Tidioute Towers


Monday (7-22): cards; adult coloring; lunch at noon; games

Tuesday (7-23): cards, adult coloring; bingo; lunch at noon; games

Thursday: (7-25): cards; adult coloring; lunch at noon; games


Pickering St.


Monday (7-22): Apraxia Day fundraiser. Serving cookies and coffee; Pennies From Heaven after lunch; Exercise Class, 3 p.m.

Tuesday (7-23): Senior Day out; Game night 6 p.m.

Thursday (7-25): Sit Safe, 11 a.m. — Darling’s to help anyone that would like to be sure their steering wheel and seat are set correctly in the car; Blood pressure check, 11 a.m.; Luau Party, noon (lunch buffet); Auction after lunch.

Friday (7-26): Nickel Bingo; Cookies need to be at the center by 1 p.m. for a bake sale at Music on the Mountain.


Community Center, TAWC Building, 2nd floor, at 42 Clark St., 723-3237:

Monday (7-22): Hand & Foot Cards, 9:00 am; Cribbage, 10 am; Blood Pressures, 10:45 am; Tai Chi, (free of charge) at 11 am; congregate lunch & Bistro salads ($3 donation for 60 yrs. and over) available at noon; Scrabble, 12:45 pm; Bingo and Cards at 1 pm

Tuesday (7-23): Bible study, 10:00 am; Healthy Steps in Motion low-impact exercise class (free of charge), 11 am; Congregate lunch & Bistro salads ($3 donation for 60 yrs. and over) available at noon; bridge, 12:30 pm; Allegheny Belles line dancing , Pinochle, Left-Right-Center game, 12:45 pm; Frosty Chalet visit, 1:45 pm; Pool 2pm

Wednesday (7-24): Wednesday Walk, 9 am; Cribbage, 10 am; Congregate lunch & Bistro Salads ($3 donation for 60 yrs. and over) available at noon; Mah-Jongg, 1 pm

Thursday (7-25): Healthy Steps in Motion low-impact exercise class (free of charge), 11 am; Congregate lunch & Bistro salads ($3 donation for 60 yrs. and over) available at noon; T.O.P.S. weigh-in at 12 noon; T.O.P.S. meeting at 12:30 pm; Bingo, 12:45 pm; Pool, 2 pm

Fridays: ACC closed on Fridays but lunch is available to all ACC participants at the First United Methodist Church in Warren at noon. Donation is $3/person. Reservations suggested by calling 814-723-4930.


Experience, Inc., our local Area Agency on Aging, announces that Robert Torres, Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Aging, will be visiting the Allegheny Community Center on July 31stat 11:15. Secretary Torres will be discussing the issue of Pennsylvania’s Broadband efficiency and how it affects our senior population.

Applications we use on the internet today are bandwidth-hungry and simply will not work well on lower speed connections. More and more daily functions require a person to utilize the internet to obtain both services and consumable goods, as well as, to communicate with family, friends and even their doctors.

One might define broadband as a high-speed communications network, especially one in which a frequency range is divided into multiple independent channels for simultaneous transmission of signals (such as voice, data, or video).

Generally, in centralized Warren County, there is broadband available, whether it be cable internet or fiber, but the price is high for many seniors on fixed incomes. In the outlying areas of Warren and Forest counties, there are very limited choices. Most only have a choice of DSL for their internet, which can be unreliable and has average speed of 3Mbps – this is less than 1/5 the speed of broadband. These customers will often have very long load times if the service even works at all. By today’s standards, DSL would be the equivalent of using Dial-up service from the late ’90s.

If you are a senior citizen and would like to share your experiences/problems regarding our local internet broadband with Secretary Torres, or you would like to learn more about the issue and how it relates to you, please come to the Allegheny Community Center on July 31st for the Secretary’s presentation starting at 11:15 a.m., followed by a question and answer period.

There will be refreshments available during the discussion. Please call the Allegheny Community Center for more information at 723-3237.


Farmers Market Vouchers are available to Warren/Forest County residents, age 60 and older who meet income guidelines. Please bring a copy of a POA form with you if you are signing for a participant. Income guidelines: single $23, 107 Couple $31,284 ID with birth date required! July 31 – Allegheny Community Center from 10:00 to 11:30

Your Skin and the Sun – presented by Sue Swanson from Milestone HCQU Northwest. Learn about the sun and its beneficial and non-beneficial effects on our skin. July 29 – Allegheny Community Center at 11:30

TAI-CHI for Arthritis – Mondays at 11:00 am in the education room. Tai-chi has been shown to improve flexibility and balance. This Health & Wellness class is free to all participants.

Another free class is the Healthy Steps in Motion Exercise Class on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 to 11:30 in the Rec Room. They are both evidenced-based classes that have been proven to improve your health! Class is almost full so call to sign up (814-723-3237).

You’re invited to the Allegheny Community Center to enjoy playing bridge in the Rec Room at 12:30 am, or pinochle in the dining room at 12:45, every Tuesday afternoon. Bingo is played after lunch on Mondays and Thursdays. Scrabble is played on Mondays at 12:45 in the Rec Room. The ACC has a beautiful billiards table for you to hone up your skills on in the dining room. Players meet Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:30 am. Card and game players are always invited to play with no advance signup required.

PA Property Tax and Rebate Preparation Assistance – If you have a Property Tax and Rent Rebate that needs to be prepared, Elaine Krill at Experience, Inc, Warren/Forest Area Agency on Aging can help! Call her at (814) 723-3763, extension 123.

Hot Weather Tips for Seniors – Getting Enough Fluids

It’s important for your body to have plenty of fluids each day. Water helps you digest your food, absorb nutrients from food, and then get rid of the unused waste. Water is found in foods–both solids and liquids, as well as in its natural state.

With age, you might lose some of your sense of thirst. To further complicate matters, some medicines might make it even more important to have plenty of fluids.

Remember, water is a good way to add fluids to your daily routine without adding calories.

Try these tips for getting enough fluids:

¨ Don’t wait until you feel thirsty to drink water or other fluids.

¨ Take sips of water, milk, or juice between bites during meals.

¨ Add liquids throughout the day.

¨ Have a cup of low-fat soup as an afternoon snack.

¨ Drink a full glass of water when you take a pill.

¨ Have a glass of water before you exercise.

¨ Drink fat-free or low-fat milk, or other drinks without added sugars.

¨ If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so sensibly and in moderation. That means up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks for men.

¨ Don’t stop drinking liquids if you have a urinary control problem. Talk to your doctor about treatment.

From the National Institute on Aging at https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/getting-enough-fluids.

Additional info online can be found at https://thebristal.com/blog/importance-of-staying-hydrated-for-seniors/

Remember to call ACC at 723-4180 by 11:00 am at least 2 DAYS IN ADVANCE to make your noon lunch reservations. A monthly meal calendar can be picked up at the center and meals can be reserved well in advance, just not less than 2 days in advance. The suggested reserved-meal donation for all those 60 and over is $3, those under 60 years of age pay $4/person. All noon lunches are well balanced and planned to provide maximum nutritional benefits. For more information about the ACC, programs call the number above or visit their website at http://www.alleghenycommunitycenter.com/.

For more information on Aging Services, call Experience, Inc., the Warren/Forest Area Agency on Aging at 814-723-3763 or visit their website at http://www.experienceinc.org/.


Making a difference

at our local senior

community centers

Warren County Fair Museum– Help man the museum and receive a free pass to enter the fair! Timeslots for volunteering are available from Monday, August 5th to Saturday, August 10th. You can choose more than one day to help! Call the ACC for details at 723-3237.

Terry F Ristau Industrial Softball Tournament — Help is needed in the tournament bracket tent during the weekend of August 16, 17 & 18. The proceeds of the event will benefit the United Fund member agencies, which includes the ACC! Call the center at 723-3237 if you are interested in helping!

Teach a class! – Have a hobby or skill that you would like to share? Call Sue at the ACC to talk about the possibilities!

Blankets for Babies, the Cancer Center and the Vets Hospital – love to knit, crochet or sew? The ACC collects and distributes blankets throughout our area to those in need.

Help at your local senior center with meal preparation, office work or just assisting the staff with cleaning! Call Sue at the ACC for more info at 814-723-3237.

Become an Ombudsman (which is Swedish for “citizen representative”) to be an advocate of elderly residents in Personal Care Homes, Nursing Facilities, Domiciliary Care Homes, and anyone receiving Long Term Care Services in the community. Interested? Call Joy at Experience, Inc. at 814-723-3763 ext. 125.

Learn how to help people with their Medicare and other State benefits as an APPRISE counselor. APPRISE is the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) for Pennsylvania’s Medicare Beneficiaries. APPRISE will help Pennsylvanians with Medicare understand their health insurance options and help them make sound decisions about what is best for them. Call Elaine Krill at Experience, Inc at 814-723-3763 ext. 123.


The Warren-Forest Area Agency on Aging will serve the following lunch menu at senior centers throughout Warren & Forest counties for the week of 7/22 – 7/26: Allegheny Community Center in Warren, Monday: Penne pasta, meatballs, salad, bread & warm peach crisp; Tuesday: Pollock filet, vegetable beef pilaf, carrots, & fruit; Wednesday: Chili cheese hot dogs, baked potatoes, green beans & applesauce; Thursday: Santa Fe salad, rolls, tortilla soup & pineapple. Chef salads are available every day as a meal option at the ACC. Marienville: Tues., Wed. & Thurs. meals from the ACC lunch schedule. Endeavor: Tues. & Wed., meals from the ACC lunch schedule, and Friday, the meal of sliced turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, bread & cookies. Tidioute: Mon., Tues. & Thurs. from the ACC lunch schedule; Sheffield: Mon. & Thurs. meals from the ACC lunch schedule and Friday the meal sliced turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, bread & cookies.

Eligible participation is 60 years and older with a suggested meal donation of $3. Under 60 years of age, the cost is $4.

Call AAA at 723-3763 for info about congregate meal sites center locations.

The menu is subject to change if necessary.


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