

Timing unique but Biden not first president to step aside

President Joe Biden wasn’t the first president to not seek another term when he was eligible to do so. He’s actually one on a relatively lengthy list — James K. Polk, James Buchanan, Rutherford Hayes, Calvin Coolidge, Harry Truman and LBJ — to be eligible for another term in the ...

Making music

The Warren Concert Association is winding down its operations. This version has been in existence but references in local newspapers date back to at least 1939. “It was learned early this afternoon from Warren Concert Association officials that the artist committee has definitely ...

DEAD!: Simple Warren Mail headline announces death of President Garfield

“We have now three saints in the national calendar - Washington - Lincoln - Garfield.” I’ll let James Garfield’s biography on whitehouse.gov provide some of the basic details about his life. Garfield was the last U.S. president to be born in a log cabin. “He was born in ...

Last full measure: Additional county men killed in Korea

A National Archives list of men killed during the Korean War by Pennsylvania county was, at a minimum, incomplete. Since publishing a story on the men included on that list Memorial Day weekend, I’ve since heard from two family members who have identified two additional county men who were ...

Local meetings held, committees formed to oppose Fugitive Slave Law

It seems counter to our modern sensibilities that an act of Congress would cause public meetings, establishing committees and strong public statements in Warren County today. Such was the case in the fall and winter of 1850. The issue was one that had plagued the country since before its ...