

Trap leagues

This week in the Warren County Trap League, Tidioute got by Kalbfus 345-321, Corry topped Sheffield 344-338, Pine Grove outgunned Brokenstraw 344-328 and Sugar Grove scored 323 during its bye week.

Perfect 50s were shot by Tidioute’s Conrad Shearer and Joel Stewart, Kalbfus’ Chuck Gern, Corry’s Tagen Dingfelder, Harold Linden and Logan Muir, and Pine Grove’s Scott Carter.

Tidioute’s Spencer Lauger had his first 25 straight.

Pine Grove’s Cindy Cable was High Lady with a 48. Tidioute’s Landon Anderson and Corry’s Zach Roush tied for High Jr. with 46s. Lauger was High Sub Jr. with a 49. Stewart was High Veteran, Linden was High Sr. Veteran, and Shearer and Gern were High Super Sr. Veterans with their 50s.

TIDIOUTE: Conrad Shearer 50, Joel Stewart 50, Spencer Lauger 49, Doug Sliker 49, Brian Mitchell 49, Sean Spencer 49, Adam Miller 49

KALBFUS: Chuck Gern, Michael McDunn 48, Lee Turk 46, Anthony Tundel 45, Doug Gray 45, Chuck Travis 45, Jim Nowacki 42

CORRY: Tagen Dingfelder 50, Harold Linden 50, Logan Muir 50, Derek Mitchell 49, William Mitchell 49, Gary Dietz 48, Chad Gray 48

SHEFFIELD: Chuck Loomis 49, Terry Davidek 49, Dale Hess 49, Jack Hunt 48, Ed Pennington 48, Lee Dunkle 48, Adam McLaughlin 47

PINE GROVE: Scott Carter 50, John P Foster 49, Kev Sturzenbecker 49, Ray Lee 49, Jerry Martin 49, Jon Shelton 49, Brian Ecelberger 49

BROKENSTRAW: Curt Hollabaugh 49, Allen Henry 48, Robbin Weaver 48, CJ Jones 47, Dale Johnson 46, Jerry Cressley 45, John McCanna Jr 45

SUGAR GROVE: Hunter Wolcott 49, Sheldon Battle 49, Steve Beck 47, Austin Anderson 47, Paul Swanson 45, Kevin Nicklas 43, Craig Darling 43

Baseball tryouts

Diamond Dawgs Travel Baseball is looking to fill a couple roster spots for its 16U team for the 2025 season.

Diamond Dawgs have their own indoor training facility and will practice throughout the offseason. There is no up-front fee to participate. The 16U will participate in the South Buffalo League and will do three to three tournaments (local and destination).

Players cannot turn 17 prior to April 30, 2025. For more information, contact Rich Bianco at 716-450-1329.


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