
Wolf: ‘Right now, we’re back to 250’

MECHANICSBURG — The Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association received information Thursday afternoon that the Third Circuit Court of Appeals issued a stay of a judge’s decision striking Gov. Tom Wolf’s COVID-19 restrictions in several areas. The most important for the PIAA’s purposes is the limitation on gatherings.

“We are hopeful that there may be some modifications to the restrictions,” the PIAA said in a press release.

Wolf stated the following to pennlive.com:

“At the same time, we’ve got to make sure that we’re being reasonable and realistic about how we do things. I’m doing everything I can listening to folks, and continue to change as I did with restaurants, and we’ll continue to look and make sure that the guidelines we have in place are reasonable.

“Right now, we’re back to the 250, but as I say, I’m working right now with school districts and others to do what we can to recognize the contexts that are different in every community.

“Stay tuned, we’re working on it as we speak.”

As result of this, PIAA interprets the Governor’s Order of the 25 (indoor) and 250 (outdoor) limitations on gatherings (spectators) are back in effect. PIAA is informing member schools of the decision and encourages them to consult their solicitors as to what they can and cannot do under the Governor’s reinstated order.

For PIAA District and Inter-District playoffs, and absent revised guidance from the Governor, the PIAA will comply with the 25 (indoor) and 250 (outdoor) limitations on people in attendance at playoff contests.


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