

Knights roll to 49-0 win over Union City

Times Observer Photo by Steve Younger Eisenhower’s Jared Beers (54) makes a tackle for a loss during Friday’s game against Union City. Second, the Knights’ Cael Black takes off on a 47-yard touchdown run. Eisenhower won the game, 49-0, to run its record to 4-0.

UNION CITY — Eisenhower took to the road Friday night, facing Union City, which was not eager to repeat its opening-game loss to the Knights last month.

History repeated itself anyway.

Cael Black scored three rushing touchdowns, Owen Trumbull ran for one and threw for another and the Knights rolled to a 49-0 victory over the Bears to improve to 4-0 on the season.

“Union City played a heck of a football game and really punched us in the mouth,” Eisenhower coach Jim Penley said. ” … We lacked focus in the first half, but I was proud of how we responded in the second half.”

Armed with a 21-0 lead at the break, the Knights found the end zone four more times while their defense continued to shine.

“Our defense had to settle down and focus on responsibilities,” Penley said. “Once we did that, we were fine. … I was proud of our guys in the second half.

“I thought Cael had another solid game, and it was nice to see Owen run the ball tonight. … This was a good game for us as we move deeper into the season. … We needed to be tested and Union City did just that.”

Black’s TDs came on two first-half rushes, one from 48 yards out; and a third-quarter scamper from 47 yards. Trumbull found paydirt from 47 yards in the first half and connected with Caleb Robinault on a 28-yard scoring strike in the third. Colby Hagg added a 47-yard dash and Keegan Eckstrom broke free on a 33-yard TD scamper, both in the fourth quarter, to close out the scoring.

In possession of an unbeaten record through four weeks, the Knights will prepare for a home game at 7 p.m. next Friday against Iroquois.

NOTES: Jake Venman was successful on six point-after kicks. … Pat Glotz also booted an extra-point try, his first of the season. … Zane Alexander recovered a fumble for the Knights.


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