
Red-hot Knights take on Union City again

The Eisenhower Knights are on the road tonight, traveling to Union City to face the 1-2 Bears.

The Knights come into the game undefeated and firing on all cylinders, coming off a 56-6 victory over Seneca last Friday.

“Just a complete team win,” Eisenhower coach Jim Penley said. “… It’s a great feeling to be able to get our young guys into a varsity game early and watch them be competitive and successful against varsity opponents.”

The Knights’ offense is led by senior quarterback Owen Trumbull (28-of-47, 501 yards, 8 touchdowns passing). Leading the receivers are seniors Dillon Benson and Zane Alexander, who are both averaging more than 22 yards per reception. The Knights’ ground game has been steady each week, led by junior Cael Black who is averaging 9 yards per carry and is coming off a 143-yard, two-touchdown performance last week against Seneca.

Sophomore Benji Black is proving himself a capable backup to Cael as he rushed for 50 yards and added a pair of touchdowns last week.

The Bears have averaged more than 240 yards rushing in each of their last two games and are led by junior quarterback Kyler Shaffer, who is averaging nearly 150 yards of offense, and a pair of senior running backs, Caleb Stull and David Roscinski, who are both averaging more than 5 yards per carry.

“They seem to have found their rhythm since our first game,” Penley said. “I told our guys that they didn’t have a scrimmage before they played us. Since that game they have averaged nearly 400 yards of offense. … We will have our hands full if we don’t stop their ground game.”

The Bears will face a hard-hitting, stingy Knights’ defense that has given up only 12 points and created 10 turnovers in three games, while allowing less than 100 yards to each opponent.

“The defense takes a ton of pride in getting to the football and creating turnovers,” Penley said. “They want the football. They feed off each other.”

Asked about facing the Bears again after just three weeks, Penley said, “It is certainly unusual, but … they are who they are. They will run all over the field and try to expose our weakness. … We have to continue to play physical along the line and play mistake-free football.”

The kickoff is set for 7 at Union City Field.


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