
Big test tonight

Warren takes on Oil City in home opener

Times Observer File Photo by Scott Kindberg With teammates Micah Passmore (3) and Alex Borger (6) providing the blocking, Warren’s James Swanson looks for running room during last Saturday’s victory over Franklin Area.

As they say in sports, win and move on.

Warren earned its first victory of the strange 2020 season on Saturday at Franklin.

The reward? Oil City at 7 p.m. today at War Memorial Field.

The Oilers are 3-0 and winners of 18 straight regular-season games over three seasons, including 53-0 over Warren last season.

After losing their opener to Conneaut, the Dragons had a nice second half last weekend to defeat Franklin, 35-12. Oil City improved to 3-0 by defeating that same Conneaut team, 28-13, on the strength of 228 rushing yards and four TDs.

“Oil City presents us with a major challenge,” said Warren coach Mark Morelli. “They are huge size-wise. They play a very physical brand of football, a throwback to the way football was played in the ’70s and ’80s. They line up and physically impose their will on you. They do not do anything fancy. We will have to be ready to play our most physical game of the year.”

Again, Warren played an inspired second half against Franklin. Trailing 6-0 at halftime, the Dragons scored 35 second-half points and finished with 354 yards rushing. Senior running back James Swanson finished with over 300 combined rushing and receiving and three touchdowns. Senior quarterback Micah Passmore totaled 61 rushing and 79 passing yards and a rushing score.

Despite being good health-wise, Oil City provides a big hurdle and the Dragons will need to play inspired again.

“Sheffield this week has ramped up the intensity at a few positions at practice,” said Morelli. “We have said all along, it is all about competition and a couple of Sheffield kids have caught our eye and may see some playing time Friday. It all comes down to this, we have emphasized this with our team: “We Fight as One.” We are one team, the Warren Dragons, we do not care if a kid is from Youngsville, Sheffield, or Warren. At the varsity level, it is about playing your best kids and winning as one team. Right now, that one team wears blue and white.”

Oil City senior quarterback Holden Stahl had two rushing scores and threw for 94 yards vs. Conneaut, and senior Cameron Russell ran for over a hundred yards with a touchdown as well.

Still, Morelli wants Warren to focus on Warren, and how the Dragons play.

“The two main areas are their approach to the game and more consistency with their play,” said Morelli of the 1-1 Dragons. “We did not play well in the first half last week, but the second half we turned it on. That is a direct correlation to refocusing their mental approach to how they play the game. This, in turn, hopefully will lead us to playing on a more consistent level with our remaining schedule. They gained some confidence and showed what they are capable of doing.”


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