
Let’s respect all choices in coming election

Democratic yard signs are already disappearing from lawns around Warren County. Previously there was a bullet hole in one of the billboard signs.

While canvassing as a Democratic volunteer, I’ve heard Warren Democrats say they are uncomfortable displaying a sign because they are a teacher or a business owner and they fear repercussions, or that their neighbor or family member would be angry. I’d like to reach out to the community to respect your neighbors as they support their choice of political candidates.

Politics does not have to be contentious, even if politicians are. We can vote for platforms that fit the majority (never all!) of our beliefs.

We can vote for candidates that reflect (most of) our values. We may keep our vote private or we should feel comfortable speaking out in support of our beliefs, party or candidate. We should be able to wear a button, post a yard sign, display a bumper sticker or volunteer for a party without fear of abuse.

Warren County may not be very diverse, but it can be accepting and supportive! For instance, look at the 3,000 attendees at the recent Pride celebration which has grown over just a few years of activism.

I think it is time for Warren County Democrats to feel comfortable “coming out” as the political minority. March in the parade, go and listen to your candidates, volunteer and keep putting those yard signs out.

Most importantly, offer the same courtesy to those with other points of view, as you would like to receive during this heated political year. There is no room for bullies in Warren County.

Barbara Johnson is a Russell resident.

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