In two choices, one is honest
It was not a debate. One prepared to debate policies. The other did not.
The other shamelessly attacked with lies and misinformation, as much as 50 lies according to some accounts. There was no fact checking. The moderators only asked questions.
There was no accountability. The debater was immediately on the defensive. Should he counter the lies and the misinformation or proceed with policies? He tried doing both and did so very poorly.
It was difficult to watch. He should have been prepared for the onslaught because this is the attacker’s style. The attacker had no intention of debating policies nor did he answer questions.
This November, voters will be asked to choose our next President. Everyone likes desirable alternatives and dealer’s choice wherein one sets the rules. No one likes to choose between two disagreeable alternatives, a damned if you do and damned if you don’t choose.
A Hobson’s Choice gives the illusion of choice where there is none; a take it or leave it choice, take what’s available or nothing at all choice.
The November voting situation is a bit of a dilemma, — a choice between an old, angry, self absorbed man and an older man, both past prime. I wish there were a more viable choice. The election looks like a Hobson’s Choice but not really, there is a choice.
The less immoral choice is the basis for choice.
This election is between an amoral Donald Trump and a moral Joe Biden. Thirty-plus Trump former allies, VP, cabinet members, advisors, etc. have announced their opposition to Trump. “Unfit for Office” is their common cry. They cite Trump’s lack of character and his lack of integrity. Twelve business – political – personal Trump allies were convicted and six await trial; 570 January 6th insurrectionists have plead guilty. Trump is a convicted sexual assaulter and is a convicted felon and he faces additional criminal charges and Trump is a habitual liar, a sociopath.
Not one in the Obama-Biden Administration nor Biden-Harris Administration have been formally charged with a crime. The often repeated accusations of “Beijing Biden” and such when exposed to the light of factual investigation has frittered away.
A minority of voters have already chosen the MEGA bubble candidate. They chose when they accepted the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection as patriotic and have rejected all evidence to the contrary. Words, images, and ideas, when repeated often enough and without acceptance of opposing views, shape attitudes.
Think Alex Jones and Sandy Hook Shooting and $1.487B libel ruling. Think Fox/Murdock and Dominion Voting Systems and $787M libel ruling. Think Fox lawyers testifying “you can’t trust what Tucker Carlson tells you.” Think National Enquirer. Think Sinclair Broadcast Group media facing a $48M FCC lawsuit; Sinclair to Trump “We are here to deliver your message.”
Ultra conservative, right wing Trump supporters have a wider agenda, namely the Heritage Foundation’s PROJECT 2025 plan to reshape the U. S. Federal Government toward autocracy and with fewer personal freedoms. This is scary.
Project 2025 proposes to have the U. S. Department of Veteran Affairs cut costs by having fewer health conditions qualify veterans for disability benefits – a proposal could greatly restrict veterans’ access to life-sustaining benefits.
Meanwhile, the wealthiest U.S. $400 billion income families paid an average of federal individual tax of just 8.2%; the average U.S. taxpayer paid 13%
Project 2025 can be Googled. No twisting of facts and images – straight from the ultra conservative right’s play book. Don’t go to the polls without being familiar with this plan to re-shape our federal government and our way of life.
To traditional Republicans and Independents who are undecided, remember: Character matters. A Democracy requires fully informed citizens, read Project 2025. Our future is at stake. Use our common sense. A vote for Trump is a vote for Project 2025.
Biden is the better choice of the two. Following the debate, Biden said “My walk and my talk are not what they used to be but I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. I know this job and I can do this job.” I believe him. I don’t believe or trust the attacker.
Don Scott is a North Warren resident.