
View from Hickory Heights: An anniversary

It was twenty-eight years ago that my first column appeared in the Jamestown Post-Journal. The column is actually a little older than that. Prior to the publishing by the newspaper, I wrote a column for a small giveaway magazine and did a Search-a-Word puzzle for that.

As I began working for the newspaper, I expanded my column and eventually submitted it to two other papers. For many years it was published by a weekly paper that went from Maine to Virginia. After a bit of negotiation, I was published by the Warren Times Observer. My husband always felt bad that it took so long to get published by his hometown paper.

My husband at the time was my spellchecker and proofreader. When he died I lost that. I was on my own for seventeen years doing my own proofreading. I managed. My second husband did not proof for me, but he always read it. He told me he had to read it because the guys who he golfed with would always talk about it. He had to be informed.

Through the years I have written about a lot of things. This past week I had a call from a reader who just wanted to meet me. We talked quite a while. She was from New York and did not realize that I grew up not far from where she lives and had family in the area.

What most people tell me is that they can relate to what I write. I am glad that so many people relate. After all, a writer needs a reader so I sincerely thank all of you faithful readers who read my column week after week.

I vary what I write about. A past editor told me that I had as many male readers as female readers. I am always mindful of that as I put together my pieces. I do not want to alienate either of the sexes.

My recipes seem to continue to be popular. The lady who called told me she routinely makes my oatmeal honey bread. I have others relate favorite recipes. A favorite was my crock pot tapioca pudding. Since I came across that recipe, I have not made tapioca any other way.

Travel pieces are also popular. People like to travel extraneously through me. I have not traveled in the past couple years because of COVID, but I truly enjoyed my travels. Don would see someplace on television and ask me if I had been there. More often than not, I had been there.

Of course, my family provided me with a lot of material. The years I baby sat for the grandchildren were special. We had a lot of fun and I think the children learned a lot as well.

The youngest grandchild told me he wished I was his teacher. He told me I said things in a way that he understood. We did a lot of homework together as he came here after school. I knew early on that he learned differently. Although he learned differently, he learned quickly. I understood him.

When I do programs for various organizations, I am always asked about where I get my ideas from. My standard answer is that I read a lot. I find just a kernel, and go from there. I also am a good listener. When I go someplace, I listen to the various conversations. Often that provides a spark for an article.

I recently received an article and a recipe from a reader. She made a copy for me. I have not yet had a chance to try the recipe, but I will soon. I still collect recipes. My criteria is that all of the ingredients have to be something that I routinely have in my pantry. If I have to go out to buy something chances are good that I will never make it. Most of the recipes in my cookbooks have common ordinary ingredients that I have around.

When I was teaching the lunch room provided a lot of material to write about. I did not write about the students, but wrote about our (the teachers) conversations. I have written about playgrounds, sleds, Halloween parties and Valentines. All of those pieces came from daily conversation.

People continue to request that I keep writing. They look forward from week to week to see what my column will be about. I truly enjoy writing. This is a revelation because I never dreamed, I had the ability. One professor made fun of how I wrote. Too bad he is not around to see what I have done.

Since I can write about anything it is always a challenge to find something new to write about.

When I was preparing this, I just happened to think about it being my anniversary – of the first column published. I recall the editor told me to make it about 1,000 words. Then, she backed off and told me just to write until I had said everything I had to say. The length of the columns varies, but when I am done, I am done. I did the same thing with the sermons that I prepared. I never set a limit. I just made my point, said what the Lord gave me to say, and it was finished.

So once again, thank you to all of my readers. I have met many of you at craft shows and programs. You bring me great joy!

Ann Swanson writes from her home in Russell, Pa. Contact at hickoryheights1@verizon.net.


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