
Merger just not impacting students

This is an open letter to the Warren school board.

What is the plan for preparing (academically and mentally) students who attend Youngsville High School and who now may have to switch schools? This would be a major change in their lives. I want to know how staff at both Youngsville High and Eisenhower High School are getting ready to deal with a possible merger.

Will a student from either school who has been a member of a sports team be kicked off that team because of increased competition?

I was a Youngsville High School student. I’ve tried to imagine what it would have been like to move to another school when I was in grade nine through 12.

As a teen it would be the absolute last thing I wanted to do. These days being bullied is a huge problem and devastating to be on the receiving end. I am now 70 yrs old. I distinctly remember being bullied in grade school and high school. It’s something you never forget.

Our local students deserve better.

I am a property owner in Warren County. I live in Pittsfield. How is a change like this going to affect our property values? If I decide to sell my house, is a family with kids who would have to be bussed to Eisenhower going to want to buy a house in Pittsfield? Sadly, that is unlikely

Thank you to the people who are fighting to keep Youngsville High School open!

Linda Jordan Loomis is a Pittsfield resident.

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