
Readers Speak

Danger in ‘power’

Dear Editor,

I am a believer in Jesus. I study the Bible. Jesus taught about love, compassion, and forgiveness. Does this statement reflect those teachings?

“The national government will maintain and defend the foundations on which the power of our nation rests. It will offer strong protection to Christianity as the very basis of our collective morality.

Today Christians stand at the head of our country. We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.

We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theater, and in the press — in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during recent years.”

Henry Ford bought it. Charles Lindbergh bought it. A lot of Americans bought it.

Adolph Hitler spoke it.

Jesus warned in Matthew 7:15: Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ferocious wolves.

Professing to be Christian and following Christ are not the same thing.

James Spangler, OD,


Eyes on the ‘Crats’

Dear Editor,

When President Joe Biden first occupied the White house, I vowed that I would not attack the man, but his policies were fair game.

I challenge the local Democrats to do the same with Republican candidates during this Presidential election cycle. Let’s all educate ourselves on the policies that are killing the country we grew up with and love.

I consider local Democrats to be intelligent, good people. However, we all have to stay informed by getting our news from more that one sources and learn to distinguish the difference between news and opinion reporting. Yes, that takes extra time, but others died to give us this wonderful country. Is it to much to ask that we make our decisions based on real information? It’s the policies of the DC “Crats” of the Democrat party that I want to expose and challenge in this letter.

Last year, I finally read Orwell’s “1984.” My big takeaway was “Wow, this is the playbook of the DC “Crats.”

Do these topics ring a bell? Change the meaning of words of “mother” to birthing person; “propaganda” to misinformation; “infrastructure” to include anything but roads, bridges and buildings but includes items like child care, free community college and Medicaid.

Let’s not forget the endless wars and the “pronoun” baloney. What happens to the Constitution when they change the meaning of words like “freedom” law and protection?

That could totally change the Constitution’s interpretation to support “Big Brother’s Government agenda without the required approval of the House and Senate.

Next, DC “Crats’ ‘ tried to copy Big Brother’s Department of Truth. That idea didn’t fly, but they moved on to other playbook examples ie. forced food shortages resulting in controlled rationing. like adjustable amounts of chocolate and liquor per month based on one’s loyalty, two suits of underwear, no privately owned homes, cars or trucks.

Remember during and after COVID, there was a shortage of eggs, chicken, bacon, baby formula, beef, and over the counter medications, supplements, and paper products. The latest U.S. shortage is raw cocoa. Illegal drugs, beer, and liquor will never be rationed as they make more complacent peons who are easy to control.

Marriage and children were closely monitored. The children were indoctrinated to revere the “Big Brother” government and inform their parents. Loyal followers were expected to spy on everyone and report the slightest offense to the enforcers who imprisoned & tortured them without any legal defense.

Our FBI was caught spying on our religious institutions like the Catholic Church and pregnancy support groups. Our Justice Department got information from Banks and Credit Card companies on thousands of American Citizens without cause or warrants leading to arrests and confinement of many US citizens without due process.

But there is one thing that the “Crats” are doing that even Orwell could not have predicted: a U.S. President, with one of his 90 executive orders on his first day in office, throwing Open Our Borders to the 195 countries that are sending their Criminals, Gangs, Terrorists, Drug dealers, Cartels, those who want free stuff, and millions of single young men as potential invading armies for those countries. Biden did this!

Now, it’s election time so Biden visited the border crossing with the fifth lowest crossings of the six big areas.

For three years he and his cronies have maintained that the border was closed. Now he is blaming the Republicans, Trump, and the MAGA voters for an open border? No! Biden did this!

What angers me most is that the “Crats” think we are deaf, blind, & stupid. Surprise DC ‘Crats”! Our eyes are open. We’re on to you!

Joanne Oviatt,



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