
Readers Speak

Holiday thanks

Dear Editor,

In this world that is full of hungry, homeless, poor, neglected children, and adults it is certainly hard to find the good in life sometimes. So, I decided that instead of watching the news I would make a list of some of the things I am thankful for. Try it sometime – it might even make you smile!

I am so fortunate to have a husband who cares about me and cares for me. I have three of the most incredible children and five beautiful granddaughters.

I am thankful for my extended family who have made me feel like I was their very own sisters. I am lucky to have a beautiful home and a warm bed. Life would not be the same without wonderful friends, friends from the past that it seems we were never apart for even a day and are just as close as we were as children. People who I have been fortunate to work with while earning a paycheck are a little less painful! Those who are fighting to keep us safe – the policeman, the fireman and those in the military.

A sunny day, the excitement of the first snowfall and Christmas with my family. I’m thankful for people like Josh Cotton who make reading Saturday’s paper interesting and worth the paper it’s written on. And I look forward to the paper every Thursday to read Marcy O’Brien ‘s articles that she writes so beautifully and relatable.

Since I am no longer able to walk because of Multiple Sclerosis I am thankful for the Internet and shopping from the comforts of my own living room (although my husband would definitely disagree with that!)

There is always food on the table and clothes on my back and for that I am eternally grateful. I love my three dogs and can’t imagine a house without them and they own a big part of my heart. I am thankful for the diversity amongst Americans because I think it makes us better people. Or at least I hope it does.

I am thankful for the power of prayer and the freedom of speech. I’m trying to make the right decisions in my life because you know, the road in life is paved with flat squirrels who couldn’t make a decision! There are so many things that we all must be thankful for, my list could go on and on but for the sake of putting all you people to sleep I will end this article by saying thank you to my family, friends and those who care for me medically and, there are a lot of them! So, sometime take a minute and count your blessings … there are many.

Thanks for reading; now make a list of your own! You will be surprised at how much you do have to be thankful for.

Merry Christmas from my heart to yours,

Mary Zurcher,


Center attention

Dear Editor,

I was a proponent of the roundabout when it was first proposed. During the whole process I couldn’t understand all the negative attitudes toward it.

Now that the roundabout is in use, I haven’t heard one negative comment about it, only how much people like it and how well traffic moves through it.

Now to finish the project the center needs some decor. Something to look nice but not be a distraction.

How about something that pertains to the history of our area like an oil pump rig or something of the same nature? I would say a miniature Arch but since there are already two in the county that is enough.

How about getting permission to use one of the bells that are placed at various areas through the city?

Whatever is done it should be something that requires little or no maintenance. The worst choice would be trees. In a raised platform like that they would need constant watering, leaves would need raked and trimming done. And wet leaves in the circle would not be safe. But mostly trees have roots. And we all know what tree roots do to sidewalks and roadways made of concrete. And the entire circle is concrete.

I think the center needs to be an inanimate object so there is no distraction to drivers and no vegetation that needs maintenance. The ground cover could be rocks. The city maintenance crew has more than enough parks to take care of now.

Lou Dussia,



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