
Readers Speak

Still unconnected

Dear Editor,

I attended the second Broadband Community Event they have had in Franklin put on by the PA Broadband Authority at the end of July. It was the largest meeting they have held so far in the state. Both Venango County state Sen. Scott Hutchinson and Rep. R. Lee James attended as well as two of their county commissioners, one Commissioner Candidate, the Director of Northwest Commission, and their United Way Director. They are all working together. I wish we had a Broadband meeting in Warren.

Gregory Burkett,


N-threat worsens

Dear Editor:

The film “Oppenheimer” has arrived at a time when the nuclear threat is at an increasingly dangerous level. Hopefully many will see the movie. This Sunday, Aug. 6 is the 78th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, with the destruction of Nagasaki to follow on Aug. 8, 1945. Officials if they are honest, admit that luck is the only reason we have not suffered a nuclear explosion since 1945. Luck, however can change.

The elimination of nuclear weapons must become a priority for everyone. The Nuclear Threat Initiative (www.nti.org) suggests six steps ordinary citizens can take now to reduce the threat.

Talk about it.

Initiating discussions on nuclear weapons with friends, family, colleagues, and members of your community is a great way to raise awareness.

Engage in campaigns.

Last year, NTI, working in partnership with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, reached more than 20 million people through their #CranesForOurFuture campaign.

Contact your representatives.

Demanding that leaders keep us safe from nuclear weapons.

Learn more about the history of nuclear weapons.

NTI offers a wide range of materials to equip those interested in nuclear security.

Keep up-to-date on nuclear security news.

NTI publishes a newsletter every other week to keep subscribers up-to-date.

Donate to organizations that are working to build a safer world.

Remember, we a people of hope. We can do this if we accept the challenge and work together.

Neil Himber,


Storm clouds remain

Dear Editor,

A recent news item noted “A Russian court has convicted and sentenced opposition leader Alexey Navalny to an additional 19 years in prison on extremism-related charges.” This is an actual headline from Russia as reported by NPR. The Guardian reported “It’s the third time Donald Trump has been arraigned this year, even as he is the only former US president in history to face criminal charges.” I am sure that any similarities between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden in crushing their opponents is strictly coincidental.

To speculate that Joe Biden and his DOJ, armed IRS agents and the FBI are ravenous about destroying Donald Trump and Conservatives is merely the stuff o conspiracy theories. All Donald Trump has to do make all this go away is to promise to withdraw his candidacy for President and quietly go away himself. It seems that the message that the Biden Administration is sending is that we can ruin anyone we want and there nothing any American citizen can do about it.

Finally I would expect that Justices Brett Kavanaugh, and Clarence Thomas will be the next targets of the Biden DOJ and FBI or some “random attack” since there is no longer enforced protection afforded to Conservative Justices by this Administration. It would appear that the mantra of the Biden White House is “Constitution? Who needs a stinking Constitution?” Of course all this is merely conjecture. Similarly though, Noah was a wild eyed conspiracy theorist until it started raining. It looks like the storm clouds are growing on America’s horizon.

Dennis Atwater,



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