
Readers Speak

Signs of poor taste

Dear Editor,

Madison Avenue’s two political protest signs – wanting the president and all who voted for him to be fornicated — reflect terribly on the people in those two houses.

It demonstrates the sign owners’ lack of common decency, their major disregard of community mores and social standards and neighborhood welfare. It shows the sign owners’ inability to express anger and frustration but in a guttural manner.

These “pay your money and get your vulgar sign” are not a greeting card message. The “F” word has been around since the Middle Ages but its flagrant public display is new. Their “in your face” display is soiling the neighborhood.

Whatever their political views, area church leaders and church members must cringe.

Neighborhood property values are degraded; ask a real estate agent. The K-12 students — many of whom travel Madison Avenue — would be in violation of the Warren County School District dress code if their clothing featured the “F” word. I doubt if the Warren County Visitors Bureau include Madison Avenue as part of an area car tour for visitors. The vast majority of Warren households insist on “proper language” and an “acceptable expression of anger and frustration.”

The signs promote more division, more social offense, and more embarrassment.

They do not promote resolution. Hopefully, like-worded, counter signs regarding former President Trump do not appear. That would be even more childish and abhorrent.

Just because the Constitution permits one the right to vulgarly express political views it doesn’t mean one should do so. Take down the signs. Lets keep it civil.

By the way, following the hotly contested 2000 Presidential election, Al Gore accepted the Supreme Court’s controversial 5-4 decision that awarded Florida’s contested results to Bush, thus the presidency by one Electoral Vote, to George W. Bush, the “there are weapons of mass destruction” President. Bush lost the Country and Florida Popular Vote.

Despite the anger and frustration among Democrats, there were no cries of “the election was rigged – Bush cheated” nor were there vulgarly worded protest political signs posted.

Sign owners, you are not the only ones angry and frustrated. Elevate your game.

Don Scott,

North Warren

Focus on needs

Dear Editor,

This is an open letter to Dr. Mehmet Oz. We know John Fetterman was the mayor of Braddock, Pa. and has been the lieutenant governor the last four years

We have now learned from your ads that he is soft on criminals, wants to release thousands of murderers, sponged off his folks for fifty year, and is a fraud.

The way advertising has gone so far, I’m guessing at some point Fetterman is going to take aim at your TV medicine business or your lack of experience in this state

What are the chances, instead of more negatives, you could tell us what you perceive as Pennsylvania’s real needs and why you would be a better choice?

People need to give us reasons why we should vote for them. Not concocted reasons — whether it’s releasing murders or selling snake oil — we shouldn’t vote for the other guy.

Pete Westover,



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