
School of thought

Dear Editor,

A San Francisco news item of March 19 states that “as America reels from its latest spate of deadly hate crimes and racism, educators and civil rights leaders in California called on the state Board of Education to approve the nation’s first state-wide model ethnic studies curriculum for high school students.”

This in my opinion will be a massive waste of resources with little if any positive results. It will be, if approved, just another step in educators supporting families plus trying to educate their children. The problem is not the lack of teaching in schools, it is the rapid deterioration of the family structure itself.

I envision a course in family formation and function for future parents (middle school) as a more foundational approach.

The news release identified Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond as president of California Board of Education. I presented her my proposal for family salvation while at her appearance at a Chautauqua program in 2010 with the expected no comment or response.

The premise is more true than ever that no improvement in education will occur until the family is addressed. The family and church, now both in disarray, should be the caregivers and teachers of their children.

Let us be aware of when the California model hits Pennsylvania and Warren County. When that happens we can counter with a Model curriculum on Family Formation and Function.

Charles S. Merroth,



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