
Readers Speak

Business helps visitor

Dear Editor,

I wish I had been born in the days of the horse and buggy instead of the automotive era! That would explain why I feel a sense of pain whenever one of the symbols on my dashboard suddenly lights up. So imagine my despair when my check engine light came on while visiting my family in Warren — a mere 384 miles from my home!

Fortunately my family has done business with the folks at Warren Tire Center and knew that at least they could read the “code” that prompted the check engine light’s appearance.

We dropped in on them with no appointment and within 45 minutes Jamie and his crew had diagnosed the code plus found and repaired a small hole in one of my tires. He said the issue with the engine did not look serious and I should be able to return home with no issues. He cleared the code so that annoying light would go away and I made my way safely and stress-free back to the Rehoboth Beach, Del., area.

Hats off to Warren Tire Center for their kindness, willingness to help and absolute professionalism in handling this somewhat distraught female. If they are an example of the people who live and work in Warren, then your town is well-represented.

Taffy Bricker,

Millsboro, Del.

Show us some strength

Dear Editor,

This is an open letter to President Trump:

Mr. President, there is no way to erase the harm you have done to the people of the United States, but in these, your final weeks in office, you can, to a degree, revise your looming legacy by snapping to, by ignoring your ego, by confessing to your base, by releasing the senate from your will, and by publicly wearing a mask.

By doing so you will be showing a measure of strength. I ask you to consider this recommendation, not to save you from yourself, but to save our democracy from you — and to save our lives. It is your last chance to exercise grit and apply a positive postscript to your legacy.

Consider: After confessing to your base, releasing the senate from your will, and beginning to wear a mask, Mr. President, you must, in going forward, make the choice to reason, to understand relationships, to observe your surroundings, to imagine outcomes, to reflect, to concentrate, to confer with others who have differing opinions, to evaluate — to think — and then to follow the conclusions reached in the direction they lead. You can initiate and sustain this thought process by making the choice to focus what language skills you have in this direction.

If the understanding you reach in this thought process is disagreeable to you, you must then make another choice: to either think harder, which means, to verify your new understanding and, if verified, accept the proofs of this disagreeable understanding and integrate that understanding into the hierarchy of your knowledge — or to think easier, which means, allowing your mind to pause in its engagement and to go back to the moment when you first initiated the thought process to start over, this time beginning with a preferred understanding, and then justifying that understanding by fabricating whatever proofs are required, a process familiar to you.

In different words, the mental exertion you must now apply to your thought process must be assertive and systematic, your consciousness oriented to reality as reality demonstrates itself to be — or your mental exertion may remain feeble and passive, oriented to reality as you prefer reality to be. Consider your choice.

(I have posted this letter to the White House).

Joe Priddy,


Encouraging signs

Dear Editor,

I am writing to The Readers Speak concerning the political signs in the yards of people like us.

I didn’t know that having political signs on anyone’s property was against the law. So far in our country we have the right to protest peaceable or display signs of our choice for President, also leaving signs up after the election.

We are so lucky in our town of Warren for no riots, looting and burning buildings down.

All I can say if anyone thinks all the signs left standing are a disgrace, I myself am more worried about the virus,and de-funding our police in certain cities — and having our churches open and full.

Mary Schmader,



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