

Dear Editor,

The June 25th Our Opinion gauges potential 2020 victory of Trump by crowd size at rallies and amount of money in campaign chests. I, on the other hand, go by the authentic 9 recent polls, including Reuters, Quinnipiac, and CNN where Trump averaged 43.8% Favorable and 52.2% Unfavorable with a 40% average approval rating for his entire term.

Polls of the Latino vote in CA say 66% wouldn’t vote for DJT, 69% in TX and 73% NY wouldn’t. He turned his back on the bipartisan immigration legislation, is punishing asylum seekers at our border, attempted to block entry of people from Muslim countries, has caged vulnerable children (separated from their relatives) in detention centers, etc.

Regarding campaign finances logic says that Democrats haven’t raised as much due to the number of primary candidates, but the main reason is our constituents are the poor, minorities, gerrymandered rural citizens with less income just trying to scrape by to afford basics of life.

Under the current administration DJT:

left our Allies and the Paris Accord which protects our environment from the ongoing threats of climate change

left the mutual Iran agreement which was keeping the Iranian progress of nuclear development at bay and continues to provoke them with bellicose rhetoric and no seeming strategy

placed tariffs on Chinese, Mexican and perhaps Indian goods whose ripple effect is greatly harming American workers /businesses who rely on parts and products to survive and

has devastated the effective immigration policy of asylum seekers with families torn apart, children in degrading detention centers and chaos galore with insufficient staff and personnel to handle it.

This isn’t the America I want and the treatment others deserve. We Americans need to be aware of and remember the true facts and realities of the past three and a half years and then work for candidates who will right the wrongs. Be informed, watch the debates, read several media outlets and make your own knowledgeable decisions on election day. You matter and your vote matters! Work on a campaign, make a donation to a candidate, stuff envelopes, go door-to-door, make phone calls, have a debate party, have a coffee klatch in your home to introduce a local candidate. In this year of celebrating the 100th anniversary of women getting the vote, don’t let anything get in the way of exercising that privilege and responsibility.


Karen Davis,



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