
Caving in to political correctness


Donald Trump has taken a lot of flak recently for not correcting a man who said the President is a Muslim. I have heard countless pundits, talking heads and other Republican candidates give their opinion of how Trump should have responded. The key word from every one of them is that the Donald didn’t “correct” the man.

A response I would expect from someone who seems impervious to the malignant liberal news media goes as follows:

“It is not my job to correct every person in regard to their opinion. This is still America and it is not my job to dictate what any one person or group believes. The only people that seem to feel comfortable dictating opinions, morals, and what is right speech and what is hate speech is the dictatorial politically correct liberals in the White House, Congress and the propaganda outlets of CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, and even the Supreme Court.

These are the lackeys who are pressuring Americans by social and media engineering. The last time I checked this is the same tactic used in Nazi Germany and the old Soviet Union.

In my opinion, to force someone who doesn’t believe the way you do is despotic and needs to addressed by the Republicans, yet they to a man and woman continue to cave in to the political correctness pressure. Each one that said Trump should have “corrected” the man is unworthy of being President.

Dennis Atwater



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