Darlings Sugar Grove Pharmacy to expand medication delivery
- Photos submitted to the Times Observer Darling’s Sugar Grove Pharmacy now offers a medication delivery service, providing convenience and accessibility for residents in Warren, North Warren, and Youngsville through its Sugar Grove location. From left are Kyle Zaffino, pharmacist, Chris Darling, owner and pharmacist, Pat Darling, pharmacist, and Lori Mohney, technician.

Photos submitted to the Times Observer Darling’s Sugar Grove Pharmacy now offers a medication delivery service, providing convenience and accessibility for residents in Warren, North Warren, and Youngsville through its Sugar Grove location. From left are Kyle Zaffino, pharmacist, Chris Darling, owner and pharmacist, Pat Darling, pharmacist, and Lori Mohney, technician.
Darling’s Sugar Grove Pharmacy has launched a medication delivery service for Warren, North Warren, and Youngsville residents.
Based at the Sugar Grove location, pharmacy officials want to make it easier for customers – particular senior citizens, to get their prescriptions. The service was available to the patients residing in Sugar Grove.
“It is something we have wanted to do and seeing the needs in the community rise, it made sense to give it a try,” said owner and pharmacist Chris Darling.
The launch of expanded deliveries was set for the first of the year, but a few snowstorms delayed the announcement of the services’ commencement.
The pharmacy employs Medication Synchronization (Med Sync) to coordinate prescription refills. This allows refills to occur on the same day each month, making deliveries more convenient.

Darling’s Sugar Grove Pharmacy has been offering the service to residents of Sugar Grove with success.
“We appreciate our community in Sugar Grove, and want to reach more of the Warren community,” Darling said. “We are excited to expand our service area and look forward to serving our patients.”