
Wescoat to lead PennDOT maintenance in Warren, Forest counties

Photo provide to the Times Observer Ryan Wescoat has been named PennDOT’s maintenance manager for Warren and Forest counties.

PennDOT’s Warren County maintenance office has a new leader.

Ryan Wescoat has been appointed highway maintenance manager for Warren and Forest counties.

“Ryan brings with him the experience of working at two other counties as well as the unique perspective of service with the local government,” Aaron Fox, assistant district executive, said.

“That should pay off dividends for Warren and Forest counties, which have been without a permanent manager for nearly a year.

“We welcome his expertise as a member of PennDOT’s regional leadership team for roadway maintenance as he takes on the unique challenges of the rural transportation grid and the harsh Warren County winters.”

Wescoat will manage a $16.5 million budget and 17 employees, overseeing winter services and the maintenance required for more than 340 bridges and 750 miles of state roads.

He comes to Warren County with over a decade of experience in the field.

He first joined PennDOT 14 years ago as a civil engineer trainee and then as an assistant manager positions in Venango and Crawford counties. He was public works director in Titusville for three years before returning to PennDOT.

He’s been the acting county manager here for the last five months.

The department says that Wescost was raised in Warren County and that he and his family live in Titusville.


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